Other questions in this quiz

2. What does transient mean?

  • how easily made something is
  • easily made and easily broken
  • broken easily and difficult to make
  • not as easily to make than to break

3. The bond between two water molecules is called

  • a ionic bond
  • a giant bond
  • a hydrogen bond
  • a covalent bond

4. what does it mean by water having a high specific heat capacity

  • it means that it requires a lot of energy to warm up and water must loose a lot of energy to cool down.
  • it reaches high temperatures quickly
  • a lot og energy is needed to warm the water up and to cool it down
  • water needs alot of energy

5. what does dipolar mean?

  • where there is one charge in the same molecule
  • where there are two different charges in the same molecule
  • where there are two or more different charges in the same molecule
  • where there are two different charges in two different molecule


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