Water Molecules

  • Created by: Jesssdart
  • Created on: 26-10-16 12:44
What does transient mean?
easily made and easily broken
1 of 10
Hydrogen bonds cause water to be ??????? at ''normal'' temperatures
2 of 10
what does dipolar mean?
where there are two different charges in the same molecule
3 of 10
The bond between two water molecules is called
a hydrogen bond
4 of 10
what charge do hydrogen atoms have
delta +
5 of 10
what charge do oxygen atoms have
delta -
6 of 10
What is the bond called between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms
covalent bond
7 of 10
what does delta indicate
a slight charge
8 of 10
what does it mean by water having a high specific heat capacity
it means that it requires a lot of energy to warm up and water must loose a lot of energy to cool down.
9 of 10
what does solvent mean
able to dissolve other substances
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Hydrogen bonds cause water to be ??????? at ''normal'' temperatures



Card 3


what does dipolar mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The bond between two water molecules is called


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what charge do hydrogen atoms have


Preview of the front of card 5
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