In what years was the Berlin Blockade?
1 of 19
What was Truman's response to the Berlin Blockade?
The Berlin Aircraft
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What was the cause of the Berlin Blockade?
Western Germany was separating itself from the rest of Germany
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What was the consequence of the Berlin Blockade?
Truman's peaceful response made Stalin's action appear aggressive
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What did the USSR claim about the Marshall Plan?
It was the USA's way of creating a military alliance that would start war against the Soviet Union
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What was the significance of the Truman doctrine?
It marked a reversal of Usa's traditional policy of isolationism
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How many billion dollars did the Marshall aid commit to rebuilding Europe's shattered economies?
7 of 19
What was the aim of the Marshall aid?
To weaken the attraction of communism and make capitalism more appealing
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What did the Truman doctrine state?
The world had a choice between communist tyranny and democratic freedom
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What sis the Truman Doctrine state about the USA?
they had a responsibility to fight for liberty where it was threatened by communists
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What was Stalin's answer to the Marshall Plan?
11 of 19
When was cominform established?
12 of 19
What did cominform represent?
communist parties across Europe
13 of 19
Who did cominform investigate and why?
government employees to see if they were loyal to Stalin
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In what year was the Tehran conference?
15 of 19
What plans were made at the Tehran conference?
The reconstruction of Europe after WW2
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What was agreed about Russia?
They would have a 'sphere of influence' in Eastern Europe where communism was respected
17 of 19
What did Stalin think about Germany?
They should be punished for starting WW2 by paying reparations
18 of 19
What did Roosevelt and Churchill think?
Germany should be rebuilt
19 of 19

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Card 2


What was Truman's response to the Berlin Blockade?


The Berlin Aircraft

Card 3


What was the cause of the Berlin Blockade?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the consequence of the Berlin Blockade?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the USSR claim about the Marshall Plan?


Preview of the front of card 5
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