Vietnam War

Definition of Guerrilla Warfare
The way a smaller weaker force could resist a larger more powerful invader.
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Who were the Vietcong?
North Vietnamese soldiers that were trained to fight in the tactics of guerilla warfare.
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2 ways that the U.S. responded to guerrilla tactics
Poured investment into SV to improve conditions and win the people over. & bombing NV into submission.
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Where did the VC attack in 1965?
Pleiku - US base.
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How did the US respond to Pleiku?
Operation Rolling Thunder
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What were Search and Destroy Missions?
Surprise attacks on VC controlled villages.
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Card 2


Who were the Vietcong?


North Vietnamese soldiers that were trained to fight in the tactics of guerilla warfare.

Card 3


2 ways that the U.S. responded to guerrilla tactics


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where did the VC attack in 1965?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did the US respond to Pleiku?


Preview of the front of card 5
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