Velocity and acceleration P9.2 , P9.3 , P9.4

Define velocity
velocity - the speed of an object in a given direction
1 of 21
How is velocity calculated?
In the same way as speed, but you must also state the direction
2 of 21
What happens to the velocity of an object if it moves at a constant speed in a circle?
It's velocity is continuously changing, even though it's speed is constant
3 of 21
What is the acceleration of an object?
acceleration - the change in an object's velocity per second
4 of 21
What is the word equation for acceleration?
acceleration = change in velocity/time taken
5 of 21
What is the symbol equation for acceleration?
a = △v/t
6 of 21
What is the full word equation for acceleration?
acceleration = final velocity-initial velocity/time
7 of 21
What is the full symbol equation for acceleration?
a = v - u / t
8 of 21
What are v and u in the full word equation for acceleration?
v - final velocity
u - initial velocity
9 of 21
What is time measured in?
seconds (s)
10 of 21
What is change in velocity measured in?
metres per second (m/s)
11 of 21
What is acceleration measured in?
metres per second squared (m/s²)
12 of 21
A cyclist is travelling at a velocity 4m/s west. Their velocity increases to 8m/s in 2 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the cyclist.
= 4/2
= 2m/s²
13 of 21
A car is travelling at a velocity 20m/s south. Its velocity decreases to 10m/s in 5 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the car.

What would the deceleration be?
Acceleration = (10-20)/5
= -10/5
= -2m/s²

Deceleration would be 2m/s.
14 of 21
How can you find the acceleration from a velocity-time graph?
The gradient of the line
15 of 21
A straight horizontal line shows _______ velocity
An upward-sloping line shows an object _________
A downward-sloping line shows an object _________
A straight horizontal line shows CONSTANT velocity
An upward-sloping line shows an object ACCELERATING
A downward-sloping line shows an object DECELERATING
16 of 21
How do you find the displacement (distance travelled in a specific direction) from a velocity-time graph?
The area under the line
17 of 21
How do you find the displacement from a velocity-time graph with constant acceleration and deceleration?
Divide the space under the line into shapes and calculate the area of each shape and add it together
18 of 21
How do you find the displacement from a velocity-time graph with inconstant acceleration and deceleration?
Count the squares underneath the line
19 of 21
What happens to the acceleration of an object falling through a fluid?
It initially accelerates due to the force of gravity. Eventually the resultant force will be zero and the object will move at its terminal velocity.
20 of 21
What is the acceleration of an object free falling under gravity near the earths surface?
9.8 m/s²
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is velocity calculated?


In the same way as speed, but you must also state the direction

Card 3


What happens to the velocity of an object if it moves at a constant speed in a circle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the acceleration of an object?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the word equation for acceleration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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