
Where do most animals get some genes from?
Mother and father
1 of 10
What does the combining of genes from two parents cause?
genetic variation
2 of 10
What is a mutation?
changes in an organism's gene
3 of 10
What is environmental variation?
the environment that organisms live and grow in and also causes differences between members of the sam species
4 of 10
Examples of environmental factors?
diet, exercise, temperature, light level, amount of water etc
5 of 10
Wha are most characteristics determined by?
a mixture of genetic and environmental factors
6 of 10
What is continuous variation?
when the individuals in a population vary within a range
7 of 10
What is discontinuous variation?
when there are two or more distinct categories
8 of 10
Practical for continuous variation -->
record the hand span of everyone in your class and measure the distance from the ti of the little finger to the tip f the thumb
9 of 10
Practical for discontinuous variation -->
record the eye colour of everyone in your class
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the combining of genes from two parents cause?


genetic variation

Card 3


What is a mutation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is environmental variation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Examples of environmental factors?


Preview of the front of card 5
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