
Brief questions on first topic

  • Created by: Joanna
  • Created on: 12-04-13 17:33
What is the principle of utility?
The greatest happiness for the greatest number
1 of 10
According to Jeremy Bentham, humans are driven by...
Pain and pleasure
2 of 10
What is act utilitarianism?
It is when the rightness or wrongness is judged based on the amount of happiness the act results in.
3 of 10
What is rule utilitarianism?
Rule utilitarianism is the idea that general rules should be followed to bring about the greatest good for the community.
4 of 10
What is the hedonic calculus?
A method of measuring the amount of pleasure an action will bring.
5 of 10
What are the 7 components of the hedonic calculus?
Intensity, Duration, Certainty, Extent, Remoteness, Richness, Purity.
6 of 10
List 3 weaknesses of Utilitarianism
Discards individual,hedonic calculus is unrealistic, cant predict consequences
7 of 10
List 3 strengths of Utilitarianism
Focuses on community happiness, provides a method of decision making, it is telological.
8 of 10
What is John Stuart Mill's version of utilitarianism?
happiness and pleasure are not the same, happiness should be the aim not pleasure. Qualititive
9 of 10
What is Jeremy Bentham's version of utilitarianism?
Principle of utility, community happiness not individual, quanititive.
10 of 10

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Card 2


According to Jeremy Bentham, humans are driven by...


Pain and pleasure

Card 3


What is act utilitarianism?


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Card 4


What is rule utilitarianism?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the hedonic calculus?


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