Using Limestone

  • Created by: Zara
  • Created on: 13-01-13 20:45
What is limestone made from?
Calcium carbonate
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How do we get limestone?
It is quarried out of the ground
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What is the symbol for calcium carbonate?
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When limestone is heated it ........ ........... to make ....... ....... and .......... ........
When limestone is heated it thermally decomposes to make calcium oxide and carbon dioxide
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What is thermal decomposition?
When one substance chemically changes into at least two new substances when it's heated
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What is the word equation for when limestone thermally decomposes?
calcium carbonate -----> calcium oxide + carbon dioxide
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What is the symbol equation for when limestone thermally decomposes?
CaC03 ------> CaO + C02
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What does calcium carbonate also react with to make calcium salt, carbon dioxide and water?
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What is the word equation for calcium carbonate reacting with acid to make calcium salt, carbon dioxide and water?
calcium carbonate + sulfuric acid ----> calcium sulfate + calcium dioxide + water
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What is the symbol equation for calcium carbonate reacting with acid to make calcium salt, carbon dioxide and water?
CaC03 + H2S04 ------> CaSO4 + CO2 + H20
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When you add water to calcium oxide what do you get?
Calcium Hydroxide
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What is the word equation for when you add water to calcium oxide?
calcium oxide + water -------> calcium hydroxide
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What is the symbol equation for when you add water to calcium oxide?
CaO +H20 -----> Ca(OH)2
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Is calcium hydroxide an alkali or acidic?
An alkali
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What can calcium hydroxide be used to do?
Neutralise acidic soil in fields.
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What else can be used to neutralise acidic soil in fields?
Powdered limestone
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What is the advantage of using calcium hydroxide to neutralise acidic soil in fields?
It works much faster
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What is calcium hydroxide also used for?
To test for carbon dioxide
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Explain how to test for carbon dioxide
Make a solution of calcium hydroxide in water (called limewater) and bubble gas through it, the solution will turn cloudy if there's carbon dioxide in the gas.
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What is the cloudiness caused by?
The formation of calcium carbonate
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What is the word equation for the test for carbon dioxide?
calcium hydroxide + carbon dioxide -----> calcium carbonate + water
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What is the symbol equation for the test for carbon dioxide?
Ca(OH)2 + C02 ----> CaCO3 + H20
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How do you make cement?
Powdered limestone is heated in a kiln with powdered clay
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How do you make mortar?
Cement is mixed with sand and water. You can also *** calcium hydroxide to mortar
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How do you make cement?
Mix cement with sand and aggregte (water and gravel)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do we get limestone?


It is quarried out of the ground

Card 3


What is the symbol for calcium carbonate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When limestone is heated it ........ ........... to make ....... ....... and .......... ........


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is thermal decomposition?


Preview of the front of card 5
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