Urinary Tract Infection

What is Dysuria?
When someone experiences a burning pain when passing urine.
Dysuria is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in women aged under 65 years without a catheter (along with new nocturia and cloudy-looking urine)
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What is New nocturia?
Passing urine more often than usual at night.
New nocturia is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and cloudy-looking urine).
New nocturia may be a sign of other problems e.g. u
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What is meant by cloudy urine?
Urine that is cloudy to the naked eye.
Cloudy-looking urine is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs/symptoms of UTI in women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and new nocturia).
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What is meant by fever and why is it important?
In women aged under 65 years, a temperature of ≥37.9°C may indicate pyelonephritis or sepsis
The most common symptom of UTI is fever but this is non-specific.
Important to note: the absence of a fever does not exclude a UTI.
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What are some common symptoms of UTIs?
Urgency to urinate
Visible haematuria
Urination frequency
Suprapubic pain or tenderness
Flank pain
New incontinence
New or worsening delirium/ debility
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What are some strong risk factors for a UTI?
Sexual activity
Spermicide use
Post menopause
Positive family history of UTIs
History of recurrent UTI
Presence of a foreign body
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What are some weak risk factors for a UTI?
Insulin-treated diabetes
Recent antibiotics
Poor bladder emptying
Increasing age
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Explain the key clinical manifestations of Dysuria
Results from irritation of the bladder trigone or urethra. Inflammation or stricture of the urethra causes difficulties starting urination and burning on urinating. Urine comes in contact with inflamed mucosa – nociceptors and sensory nerves stimulated wh
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Explain the key clinical manifestations of Frequency, urgency & incomplete voiding
Reduced bladder capacity due to inflammatory oedema causing decreased compliance and pain due to bladder distension.
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Explain the key clinical manifestations of Cloudy urine
Typically comes from discharge of either pus or blood into the urinary tract – potentially also be a build-up of white blood cells as body tries to eliminate invading bacteria
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Explain the key clinical manifestations of no flank pain
If present: caused by distention of the ureter or renal pelvis or distention of the renal capsule, due to inflammatory response following infection
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Explain the key clinical manifestations of Pathophysiology
The most common route of infection in females is via an ascending pathway. Colonisation of the vagina may occur first, then ascends into the urinary tract. Ascending UTI is amplified by factors that promote the introduction of bacteria at the urethral mea
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Card 2


What is New nocturia?


Passing urine more often than usual at night.
New nocturia is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and cloudy-looking urine).
New nocturia may be a sign of other problems e.g. u

Card 3


What is meant by cloudy urine?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by fever and why is it important?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are some common symptoms of UTIs?


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