Urinary Tract Infection


What does the term Dysuria mean?
Painful/discomfort when urinating
1 of 8
What are the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI
1. Dysuria
2. New nocturia
3. cloudy urine
2 of 8
In women under 65yrs, what may a temperature of greater than 37.9 indicate?
pyelonephritis (kidney infection) or sepsis
3 of 8
What is the strongest risk factor for UTI?
Sexual activity
4 of 8
Why is post menopause a risk factor for UTI?
Due to the absence of oestrogen
5 of 8
What causes fever ?
Exogenous pyrogens that induce the release of endogenous pyrogens
6 of 8
What causes flank pain?
Flank pain is caused by the distension of the ureter or renal pelvis due to the inflammatory response
7 of 8
What is Type 1 piliated Escherichia coli
A type of bacteria that bind in greater numbers to vaginal fluid. They lead to infections or inflammation of any part in the urinary system
8 of 8

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Card 2


What are the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI


1. Dysuria
2. New nocturia
3. cloudy urine

Card 3


In women under 65yrs, what may a temperature of greater than 37.9 indicate?


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Card 4


What is the strongest risk factor for UTI?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is post menopause a risk factor for UTI?


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