Unit 313 - Assessment of oral health and treatment planning 6


1. Which specific piece of legislation allows personal data to be passed to third parties only under the condition of the act?

  • Freedom of Information Act
  • Data Protection Act 1998
  • Access to Health Records Act 1990
  • None of the above
1 of 20

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2. Major arteries carrying oxygenated blood to the head and neck region are known as:

  • Maxillary arteries
  • Aortic arteries
  • Common carotid arteries
  • Jugular arteries

3. Xerostomia, poor wound healing and infection are all effects that can occur on the oral cavity of someone who is suffering from:

  • Diabetes
  • Herpes simplex type 1
  • Hepatitis
  • Human immunodeficiency virus

4. There are 3 key principles which must be addressed in order to proceed with treatment known as gaining consent. What are these 3 principles?

  • Informed, voluntary decision, ability
  • Informed, valid, ability
  • Specific, ability, age
  • Specific, valid, voluntary decision

5. A young female patient who is pregnant attends the surgery for a routine examination, the dentist discovers a potentially sinister lesion. Which assessment method can he use to aid a speedy diagnosis?

  • Study models
  • Radiograph
  • Photograph
  • Send off a referral


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