unit 2 - LO4 4.3

  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 29-01-19 14:58
what is green IT?
helps organizations save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by identifying products that offer superior energy efficiency
1 of 11
what are the 3 pros of going green?
less waste, a healthier workplace, lower costs
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how is less waste a pro?
you will be saving money , e.g by turning off your computers every night you electricity bill will be noticeably cheaper each month
3 of 11
how is having a healthier workplace a pro?
result in a decrease in sick leave taken by staff
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how can you make a healthier workplace?
Provide organic food in the cafeteria and keep the green theme by using cleaning products that are not harmful to the environment
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how can you get lower costs?
encouraging staff not to print emails and other documents unnecessarily, significant savings can be made on printing and paper costs
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what are the 3 cons of going green?
it takes time, high costs of products, may need to find new vendors
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why is taking a long time to go green a con?
it is a con as it means that a lot of effort has to go in to turning everything in to going green
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why is high cost of products a con?
it is a con as it means more money is being spent and the prices of products or services supplied by the organisation are increased.
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why is needing to find new vendors a con?
organizations will need to research potential new partners that fit into their green values and this can take time and effort
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how can schools become more environmentally friendly?
recycling and using eco friendly cleaning products around the school
11 of 11

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Card 2


what are the 3 pros of going green?


less waste, a healthier workplace, lower costs

Card 3


how is less waste a pro?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how is having a healthier workplace a pro?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how can you make a healthier workplace?


Preview of the front of card 5
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