Unfair Dismissal

  • Created by: jutnut
  • Created on: 24-07-17 14:40
What describes a direct, constructive or expiry and non renewal?
1 of 30
What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (1)
2 of 30
What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (2)
3 of 30
What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (3)
4 of 30
What remedy involves the employee doing THE SAME job
5 of 30
Formula = age, length of service and gross weeks pay =
Basic award
6 of 30
What body is used to investigate fair procedure
7 of 30
What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (4)
Contravention of enactment
8 of 30
What stage precedes an Employment Tribunal
Early Concilliation
9 of 30
What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (5)
10 of 30
What remedy involves being paid monetarily
11 of 30
What remedy involves the employee getting a different job within the company
12 of 30
What 5 procedural steps when dealing with poor performance (1)
13 of 30
What 5 procedural steps when dealing with poor performance (2)
14 of 30
What 5 procedural steps when dealing with poor performance (3)
Reasonable time to improve
15 of 30
What 5 procedural steps when dealing with poor performance (4)
Reasonable support
16 of 30
What 5 procedural steps when dealing with poor performance (5)
Alternative improvement
17 of 30
Name an action which would amount to misconduct
18 of 30
What should be conducted in order to obtain all the facts
Investigatory meeting
19 of 30
if one or more suspects are suspected after reasonable investigation then what can be done
Blanket dismissal
20 of 30
What do we call a group of conduct issues which amount to a dismissal
Collective incidents
21 of 30
Generally you cannot dismiss an employee for obtaining
criminal offences
22 of 30
If the employer decides disciplinary action is to be taken what must he do
disciplinary meeting
23 of 30
How must the employee be notified in a meeting is to occur
In writing
24 of 30
What should be kept as short as possible so it is not deemed a punishment in itself
25 of 30
What can the employee do if they feel they have been inappropriately sanctioned
26 of 30
What other type of award is there?
Compulsory award
27 of 30
What can the employment tribunal do if they feel the employee should not receive the full amount
28 of 30
What reduces the compensation up to 100%
Polkey reduction
29 of 30
If the employee contributed to the dismissal can the tribunal deduct compensation to reflect this
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (1)



Card 3


What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (2)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Potential Fair Reasoning under s.98 (3)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What remedy involves the employee doing THE SAME job


Preview of the front of card 5
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