Types of Psychology

  • Created by: Nastassia
  • Created on: 26-04-20 12:27
Clinical Psychology
used to diagnose and treat mental illnesses
1 of 8
Cognitive Psychology
refers to the study of the processes of the brain
2 of 8
Developmental Psychology
examines how people learn
3 of 8
Forensic Psychology
can be used to investigate criminal cases
4 of 8
Health Psychology
examines how people’s biological, behavioral and social factors contribute to their health
5 of 8
Personality Psychology
focuses on how differences in people’s personality may explain their behaviors and thinking
6 of 8
Social Psychology
examines how people interact with others and how this affects them
7 of 8
Sport Psychology
examines how psychology can affect performance in sports
8 of 8

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Card 2


refers to the study of the processes of the brain


Cognitive Psychology

Card 3


examines how people learn


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Card 4


can be used to investigate criminal cases


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Card 5


examines how people’s biological, behavioral and social factors contribute to their health


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