Types of long term memory

What is episodic memory?
Your personal memory of events, like what you did on your 5yth birthday. Contextual details, emotional details and specific details like who was there may all be recalled. Concerned with personal events
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What is procedural memory?
Knowledge of how to do things like riding a bike, some memories are automatic as a result of practice and repeitition
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What is semantic memory?
Shared memories for general knowledge and facts can be abstract or concrete, often estabished through episofic memories first- when they loose their assosiation to events they become generalised as a semantic memory
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What is meant by implicit memory?
does not require the conscious or explicit recollection of past events or information, and the individual is unaware that remembering has occurred. i.e knowing how to do something without having to think like walk.
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What is meant by explicit memory?
the conscious recollection of a previous episode, as in recall or recognition.
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what can semantic memory relate too?
functions, what behaviour is acceptable. Abstract concepts. They begin as episodic memories because we acquire knowledge based on personal experience .
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When does the gradual transition occur
when memory slowly looses its association to particular events, so that info can be generalised into semantic memory.
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How is a procedural memory acquired
through repetition and practice
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strength of types of LTM
There is evidience to suggest that there are seperate stores in LTM- brain scans were done and revealled that..episofic memory is assosiated with hippocampus, temporal, frontal lobe. Semantic temporal. procedural activation assosiated with cerebelleum. Se
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problems with this evidience- we cant establish relationship between brin regions and type of LTM until a patient dies
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is procedural memory?


Knowledge of how to do things like riding a bike, some memories are automatic as a result of practice and repeitition

Card 3


What is semantic memory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by implicit memory?


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Card 5


What is meant by explicit memory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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