Type of Long Term Memory

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 15-02-22 10:54
what 2 separate components were found and who found then ?
Baddely and Hitch found the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketch pad that were used by different types of LTM memory.
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what does implicit/explicit memory mean?
explicit- mean it is not hidden, its known events/facts
implicit- it is hidden, more skilled behaviours ie knowing how smthn works
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what are the tree type of LTM? (explain them)
-episodic-explicit, personal memories/experiences which remembers complex details ie first day of school which. strength of these memories depend on the emotion experienced when memory is coded , mainly associated with hippocampus.
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-semantic memory- explicit, knowing basic facts/ knowledge, doesn't remain close w a particular event, strength of memory is determined by strength of emotions when memory was coded, mainly associated with temporal lobe.
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-procedural memory- implicit, how to preform certain tasking ie walking, difficult to explain in words but done through repetition/practice, formed in early life stages and becomes second nature to us, associated with cerebellum and motor cortex.
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name evaluations of this
+brain scans show support for diff types of LTM (diff parts of brain active when accessing LTM)
+Milner support for implict/explicit memories in case studies, patient HM suffered severe epilepsy and hippocampus was removed, STM was same-
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-but couldn't transfer info into LTM ie HM copied an image while looking into a mirror, HM remembered the skill but didn't remember doing it
+Finke et al case study with Patient PM, implicit memory effected but procedural memory was-
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-the same as PM could read and preform music (-have to be careful with case studies as brain damage and damgage to particular region doesn't mean its associated with a type of memory)
+RWA, Belleville et al compared performance of-
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-old ppl suffering w cognitive impairments and did memory training w one group (the control group didn't receive any training), the exp group preformed better on an episodic memory test which can improve people life if they suffer w memory
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+idiographic and nomothetic approach
+socially sensitive research, identity of patients until their death (-but it could be argued the same should've been done for Clive wearing)
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Card 2


what does implicit/explicit memory mean?


explicit- mean it is not hidden, its known events/facts
implicit- it is hidden, more skilled behaviours ie knowing how smthn works

Card 3


what are the tree type of LTM? (explain them)


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Card 4


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