Tudors Key Words

  • Created by: cmegs
  • Created on: 28-12-18 13:17
Annual payments for land in ******* feudalism
1 of 35
An official in a government department, being concerned with practical corrrectness at the expense of other peoples needs
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A contract system where amunities were given instead of land grants
******* Feudalism
3 of 35
A person who makes a charitable donation a dying person will leave money to their church
4 of 35
A person who attends roya court as a companian or adviser to the monarch
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Private areas of court
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Seen as the shady area of government, by passed the legal system, raised money for the king
Council learned in the law
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Monitors governnment spending
Court of audit
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Chapels where masses for the souls of the dead took place
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Henry inherited all the lands held by both York and lancaster houses
Crown land
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Paid on goods going in and out of the country
Custom duties
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An area under the care of a bishop in the Church, there are 17 in England
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A process whereby the silver coins had their sliver content reduced by adding cheaper metals
Debasement of coinage
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The view that the state should have authroity over the church, the king should be in control
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Land going back to the king if someone dies without an heir
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The king ultimately held all land property and then was granted to tennants
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Traditional rights that are held by the crown to demand money, with the idea that the king owns all the land
Feudal dues
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Gathering of the house of lords meeting out of the commons
Great Council
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Voluntary associations of individuals created to promote works of christian charity or devotion
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An increase, usually over a long peroid of time, of a wide range of prices and services
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They were appointed for each county and were responsible for keeping public order
Justice of the peace
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A job filled by an important nobleman and a friend of the king, had adminsrtitive powerand political power, often speaking on behalf of the king
Lord Chamberlain
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Skilled administrators
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Founded by John Wycliffe, favoured translating the bible into english and believed that the Catholic Church was corrupt
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A member of the higher ranks of nobility
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Land along the english-welsh border where local nobles would get special rights and powers
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Righst or powers which the monarch could exercise without requiring the consent of parliament
Prerogative rights
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Contains close personal servants of the monarch, members have a direct contact and influence over the monarch
Privy chamber
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The state in which souls of the dead were purged of their sins before they could enter heaven
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A journey to a place of religious devotion making one could decrease the amount of time spent in purgatory
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An increase in the amount of people that reside ina counrty state county or city
population growth
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The belief that the substance of bread and wine completely changed into the substance of christ's body and blood
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a person who wanders from place to place without a home or a job
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A latin term used in medival laws which make it a crime to use powers derived from the pope to the disadvantage of the king or his subjects
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Someone appointed by the pope to act on his behalf in a particular country usually for a specific purpose on a limited timescale
Papal legate
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Card 2


An official in a government department, being concerned with practical corrrectness at the expense of other peoples needs



Card 3


A contract system where amunities were given instead of land grants


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Card 4


A person who makes a charitable donation a dying person will leave money to their church


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Card 5


A person who attends roya court as a companian or adviser to the monarch


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