Trilogy Physics: Particle Model of Matter Test


1. What shows the relationship between Temperature and the mean kinetic energy of particles

  • Temperature is the energy the object has because of its motion and Kinetic energy is the measurment of the molecules in an object or system.
  • Temperature is a measurment of kinetic energy of the molecules in an object, Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has because of its motion.
  • Temperature is the measurement of Molecules and Kinetic energy is the temperature measurment
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2. Which shows why Mass is conserved when a material changes state?

  • In a Chemical reaction, Particles are neither Destroyed or created, The amount of them always changes but also they stay the same aswell. The word "Conserved" means both, Increase and decrease In particles
  • In a chemical reaction, Particles are neither destroyed or Created, The amount of them stays the same. To create a new material at the end of the reaction, the particles just move around and switch positions. We say Mass is "Conserved" (Mass is same)
  • In a Chemical Reaction, Particles are Both Destroyed and Created, The amount of the always changes, It can increase or Decrease. "Conserved" means the amount changes.

3. Energy for a change of state equation?

  • mass * Specific latent heat
  • Mass * Specific heat capacity

4. Define Density?

  • Volume per Mass Unit
  • Mass Per Unit Volume
  • Unit Per Mass Volume
  • Mass per Metres Kilograms

5. What are the limitations of the Particle Model?

  • 1) Impossible to draw as the gaps are actually shapes 2) The particles aren't always Triangles, They are squares 3) The particles are the wrong shape
  • 1) It is impossible to draw it to scale as the actual gaps between the atoms can get huge 2) Particles aren't always Spheres, they may have complex structures so that is not accurate. 3) The sizes of the particles are not taken into account.
  • 1) Particles always move 2) It can't show how big they are 3) You can't hear them
  • 1) They particles are actually triangles 2) The particles are too close together 3) Particles look different


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