Transport: Road pricing and combating road congestion

  • Created by: Jade
  • Created on: 01-01-13 22:15

1. Road pricing has been introduced in Singapore. In the first year, it saw a ____ fall in peak traffic, a reduction in the number of multiple trips in the charging zone and improved vehicle speeds.

  • 25%
  • 18%
  • 16%
  • 20%
1 of 12

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2. An alternative to road pricing is to build more roads (increase supply) in order to tackle road congestion. Only a short term solution

  • True
  • False

3. ____________ can become a more effective substitute for the private car where the system is reliable, efficient, clean and safe with a high degree of connectivity. True of many urban systems in e.g. France, Germany

  • Public transport
  • Private transport
  • Taxi services

4. Prices would start from as little as ____ a mile on rural country lanes. The maximum price would be _____ on busy motorways like the M25 at peak times.

  • 2p, 1.34
  • 4p,1.26
  • 3p,1.40

5. What is road pricing?

  • Road pricing is a system whereby road users pay a direct charge for the use they make of the road network - use of a stretch or road or access to a particular zone.
  • Road pricing is a where a flat rate charge is made for the use of a stretch of road or access into a designated charging zone.
  • Road pricing is a direct charge for access to a designated urban charging zone where the main purpose of the charge is to reduce congestion


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