Transport: Road pricing and combating road congestion

  • Created by: Jade
  • Created on: 01-01-13 22:15
____________ can become a more effective substitute for the private car where the system is reliable, efficient, clean and safe with a high degree of connectivity. True of many urban systems in e.g. France, Germany
Public transport
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_______ is when demand exceeds supply on a given network at a given time period e.g. rush hours, school holidays etc.
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What is road pricing?
Road pricing is a system whereby road users pay a direct charge for the use they make of the road network - use of a stretch or road or access to a particular zone.
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Road space - as congestion increases, the non-rivalry characteristic has been undermined - because one additional drivers use of the road will further restrict the use of others. Road space is ?
A quasi-public good
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Road congestion contributes to air pollution, lack of traffic safety, waste of petrol, opportunity cost of sitting in traffic jams, cost to employers/ business time wasted could be spent producing products. Examples of?
Negative externalities
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In practice, cars will contain __________ linked to a satellite which will monitor their location and direction.
Black boxes
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Prices would start from as little as ____ a mile on rural country lanes. The maximum price would be _____ on busy motorways like the M25 at peak times.
2p, 1.34
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Motorists should be charged for the externalities they create - the externalities should be ?
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What are the problems of road pricing?
High set up costs of introducing and controlling road pricing, opportunity cost of this, cars - highly price inelastic - substitutes unreliable, displacement of road traffic, external costs to third parties
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Road pricing has been introduced in Singapore. In the first year, it saw a ____ fall in peak traffic, a reduction in the number of multiple trips in the charging zone and improved vehicle speeds.
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London Congestion Charge and Low Emission Zone whereby it has been estimated that congestion has been cut by around?
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Card 2


_______ is when demand exceeds supply on a given network at a given time period e.g. rush hours, school holidays etc.



Card 3


What is road pricing?


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Card 4


Road space - as congestion increases, the non-rivalry characteristic has been undermined - because one additional drivers use of the road will further restrict the use of others. Road space is ?


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Card 5


Road congestion contributes to air pollution, lack of traffic safety, waste of petrol, opportunity cost of sitting in traffic jams, cost to employers/ business time wasted could be spent producing products. Examples of?


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