  • Created by: lara volz
  • Created on: 22-03-23 16:39
Tragic Pattern:
- Alec
- Angel
Alec: moustachioed, partly pantomimic & predatory/conniving villain becomes adversary to whom Tess's fate is locked
Angel: provides hope that her fate may be altered, hypocritically fails her & his change of heart comes too late for meaningful reversal of
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- Country characters
- Tess's parents
- Angel's parents
Country characters: choric function
Tess P: contrast daughter's simple virtue
Angel P: blindness of power to suffering
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Ibsen & Strindberg - working class
- Conscious attempt to introduce tragic feelings in audience in relation to middle class protagonist (as opposed to Classical/Renaissance tragedies w/ noble/royal protag
- Hardy's P member of rural working class, but he works hard to aggrandise her status
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Greek Tragedy - Antigone, Sophocle
- central protag as woman controlled by fate in form of the Gods (Tess: "president of the immortals"), victim of patriarchy, deceived/controlled by male figures ("you use your cruel persuasion upon me")
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Hardy - definition of tragedy
"the worthy encompassed by the inevitable"
- controversial at time of publication but modern readers see Tess as 'worthy' - H wants to elevate Tess as novel subtitled 'A Pure Woman'
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Heap - men's fault
Tess as "violated by one man and forsaken by another"
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Howe - Alec & Angel
Alec - certain charm in his amiable slothful way - may X be admirable but can be likeable as commonplace vice easier to bear than elevated righteousness
Angel - bears aura of tense moralism
- Each represents deformation of masculinity, one high & one low
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Jung - personality
"the personality determines the fate of life"
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Miller - flashbacks
"that terrible moment when the voice of the past is no longer distant but quite as loud as the voice of the present"
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Miller - ordinary man
"the ordinary man is as apt a subject for tragedy as kings are"
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Miller - cautionary note
"path is opened for those who wish to call Willy merely a foolish man even as they themselves are living in obedience to the same law that killed him"
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Context - Brooklyn neighbourhood
- used to be removed from hustle & bustle of NYC - early 20th century viewed as space for expansion/to own arable land
- now besieged by "tall, angular buildings", sunlight barely reaches yard - parallels W's pride becomes besieged & infected by doubts h
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Context - AD
- set of ideals: freedom includes opportunity for prosperity, success & upward social mobility for family
- 1930s (great depression) economics dominated politics & AD became nightmare - land of hope, optimism, symbol of prosperity > land of depression & d
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Krutch - Willy as victim
"Willy is a victim of society. But he's also a consenting victim, or a victim of himself. He accepted vulgar, debased and false systems of values"
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Fromm - commodities
"Man does not only sell commodities, he sells himself & feels himself as a commodity...if he's sought after, he is somebody"
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Tragedy is the consequence of...
a man's total compulsion to evaluate himself justly
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Carrol - pathetic
"a pathetic little man caught in an undertow that's too strong for him"
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Van Ghent - Alex and Angel
"metaphors of extreme human behaviour - when the human been cut off from community and individualised by intellectual education or by material wealth and traditionless independence"
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Hutton - instinct
"though pure in instinct, she was not faithful to her pure instinct" - betrayed herself
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Higonnet - pliable
Not a simple victim but a girl made 'pliable' by her economic dependence on Alec
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Country characters: choric function
Tess P: contrast daughter's simple virtue
Angel P: blindness of power to suffering


- Country characters
- Tess's parents
- Angel's parents

Card 3


- Conscious attempt to introduce tragic feelings in audience in relation to middle class protagonist (as opposed to Classical/Renaissance tragedies w/ noble/royal protag
- Hardy's P member of rural working class, but he works hard to aggrandise her status


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- central protag as woman controlled by fate in form of the Gods (Tess: "president of the immortals"), victim of patriarchy, deceived/controlled by male figures ("you use your cruel persuasion upon me")


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


"the worthy encompassed by the inevitable"
- controversial at time of publication but modern readers see Tess as 'worthy' - H wants to elevate Tess as novel subtitled 'A Pure Woman'


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