Tess's naivety is the sole cause of her downfall

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  • "Tess's naivety is the sole cause of her downfall" (up to phase the second)
    • FOR:
      • Hardy establishes Tess's innocence, even down to what she wears =seems naïve.
        • "genuine country, unaccustomed to many eyes"
          • "she wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment"
          • "ho9w could you be so treacherous!"
        • "was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience"
        • "bless thy simplicity, Tess"
        • "she was a fine and picturesque country girl and no more"
      • Tess has to go to Alec as she has had an argument with the others (maids/servnats/workers. another instance as to where someone has chosen her fate.
        • "she was sleeping soundly"
        • "white muslin figure"
        • In chapter 9, Tess catches Alec spying on her whilst she works - Tess should've guessed at his possible predatory nature = naivety.
    • AGAINST:
      • Her **** was caused by fate = part of her tragedy.
      • Tess's own doing - she feels indebted to other people, she is able to feel the guilt too much and it weighs her down too much.
        • "do what you like to me mother"
          • she does this as she knows that it is 'her own fault that Prince died'
          • Idea of Tess's passivity - she doesn't resist as she believes that the good impression the D'Urbervilles will lead to the Durbeyfield prosperity.
        • "a broader pink ribbon"
      • her pride, the reader assumes is inherited from her father, leads to some of her downfall and she always takes on responsibility
        • "nobody blamed Tess as she blamed herself"
      • Joan's pride brings down Tess and the family - Tess feels this emotional pull as she is more proud .
  • reasons for Tess's downfall (law) - Alec ****** Tess. although Alec should be held accountable for the assault, he is not and this may bhe what makes it worse for Tess.
    • if Alec was held responsible, would Tess have deteriotated and killed Alec? = fate
    • AGAINST:
      • Her **** was caused by fate = part of her tragedy.
      • Tess's own doing - she feels indebted to other people, she is able to feel the guilt too much and it weighs her down too much.
        • "do what you like to me mother"
          • she does this as she knows that it is 'her own fault that Prince died'
          • Idea of Tess's passivity - she doesn't resist as she believes that the good impression the D'Urbervilles will lead to the Durbeyfield prosperity.
        • "a broader pink ribbon"
      • her pride, the reader assumes is inherited from her father, leads to some of her downfall and she always takes on responsibility
        • "nobody blamed Tess as she blamed herself"
      • Joan's pride brings down Tess and the family - Tess feels this emotional pull as she is more proud .


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