Tourism - Tourism in the UK

  • Created by: 12BE
  • Created on: 26-05-17 16:20
How many overseas visitors does Britain get?
32 million in 2008
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Why is the UK popular with tourists?
It has historical landmarks (Big Ben and Stonehenge), Churches and cathedrals (Saint Paul's Cathedral), castles and palaces (Edinburgh Castle and Buckingham Palace) and London
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How many tourists visit London?
In 2016, 19.88 million international tourists visited London, in 2016 it was the 2nd most visited city in the world
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How much does tourism contribute to the economy?
2.9% of the GDP, £114 billion and 1.4 million jobs in 2007
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What 5 factors effect tourism rates in the UK?
Weather, World economy, Exchange rate, Terrorism and conflict and Major events
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How does weather affect tourism in the UK?
Bad weather can discourage tourists and good weather encourages tourists
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How does the world economy affect tourism in the UK?
In times of recession, people cut back on luxuries such as holidays so there are fewer overseas visitors but more domestic tourists
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How do exchange rates affect tourism in the UK?
If the value of the pound is low compared to other currencies, it is cheaper to visit the UK so there are more international tourists and there are more domestic tourists as it is expensive to holiday abroad
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How does terrorism and conflict affect tourism in the UK?
If there is a terrorist threat such as after the London bombing of July 2005 and at the moment after the Manchester terror attacks, there are fewer tourists as people feel less safe to visit
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How do major events affect tourism in the UK?
Big events attract huge numbers of tourists both internationally and domestically
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What 2 major events increased tourism dramatically in the UK?
The London Olympics of 2012 and Liverpool being the European Capital of Culture in 2008 which caused 3.5 million people to visit who hadn't been before
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What is the Butlers Life Cycle Model?
A model that shows the change in the number of visitors to an area over time, showing the life cycle of the resort
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What is Exploration?
This is the first stage in the butler model, a small number of tourists visit the area. The area is unspoilt and few tourist facilities exist
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What is Involvement?
This is the second stage in the butler mode, local people start to provide some facilities for tourists. There starts to become a recognised tourist season
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What is Development?
This is the third stage in the butler model, large companies build hotels and leisure complexes and advertise package holidays. Number of tourists rise dramatically and job opportunities increase for locals
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What is Consolidation?
This is the fourth stage in the butler model and this is where the tourist number is high and a large part of the economy but the facilities are slowly getting more worn and old fashioned
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What is Stagnation?
Visitor number have peaked, This is when everything becomes incredibly out of date and old and the number of tourists drops and businesses begin to fail
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What is Rejuvenation?
This is one route that a tourist area can take as the sixth stage of the butler model, it consists of investment and modernisation may occur which leads to improvements and visitor numbers may increase again
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What is Decline?
If the resort is not rejuvenated then it will go into decline, the number of tourists will fall continuously until only day trippers visit the area, people lose their jobs related to tourism and the image of the area suffers
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is the UK popular with tourists?


It has historical landmarks (Big Ben and Stonehenge), Churches and cathedrals (Saint Paul's Cathedral), castles and palaces (Edinburgh Castle and Buckingham Palace) and London

Card 3


How many tourists visit London?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How much does tourism contribute to the economy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What 5 factors effect tourism rates in the UK?


Preview of the front of card 5
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