Topic 7A (muscles)

  • Created by: Ionahar
  • Created on: 18-01-23 12:31
What Skeletal Muscles?
A type of muscle you use to move
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What attaches the muscle to the bone?
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What attaches bones to other bones?
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What is a flexor?
A muscle that, when contracts, bends joints
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What is an extensor?
A muscle that, when contracts ,causes the joints to straighten
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What is it called when muscles work in opposite?
Antagonistic pairs
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What are skeletal muscles made out of?
Muscle fibers
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What is the name of the cell membrane of muscle Fibres?
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What does the sarcolemma fold in to?
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What are these fold called?
Transvers tubules
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What is the function of transverse tubules?
To spread electrical impulse
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What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
It is a network of internal membranes
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What is the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
To store calcium ions needed for contraction
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What are the long cylindrical organelles found within the muscle called?
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Name the two filaments that myofibrils are made up of?
Thick myosin
Thin Actin
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What are the the thick myosin and thin actin made up of?
Thick myosin-Protein myosin
Thin Actin-Protein actin
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When you look and thick myosin and thin actin under a microscope what should you observe?
Thick myosin-Dark bands
Thin Actin-Light bands
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What are these bands called for both thick myosin and thin actin?
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What is a Z-line?
This marks the end of a sarcomere,(joins to next sarcomere lengthways)
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What is the M-line?
The middle of a sacromere
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What is the H-zone?
This is the zone that only contains thick myosin
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How do the myofilaments cause the the simultaneous contraction of sacromeres?
They slid over one another to make the sarcomeres contract
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Describe how myofilaments, muscle fibres, myofibrils and muscles are related to each other?
-Muscles are made up of muscle fibres
-Muscle fibres are made up of myofibrils
-Myofibrils contain myofilaments
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What is found on the myosin?
Globular heads
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What does each globular head have so that it can bind to actin and ATP?
A binding site
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What two proteins are found on actin?
Tropomyosin and troponin
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What do tropomyosin and troponin do?
They help myofilaments move past each other
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What is the binding site on the actin called?
Actin-myosin binding site
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What blocks the actin-myosin binding site so the myofilaments cant slide past each other?
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What triggers muscle contraction?
Action potential
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What does action potential trigger the sarcolemma to do?
It cause it to depolarise
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Where does the depolarisation of the sarcolemma spread to and what does the cause?
It spreads to the transvers (T) tubules
which cause the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2+ ions into the sarcoplasm
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What does the release of Ca2+ ions do?
They bind to the troponin causing it to change shape, releasing the tropomyosin, exposing the binding site
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What is it called when the globular head and the troponin are bind together called?
Actin-myosin cross bridge
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What else does the Ca2+ activate?
The activation of the enzyme ATPase,which breakdown ATP (ADP+Pi)
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What does the breakdown of ATP provide?
Energy need to move the myosin head once the myosin-actin cross bridge is formed
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What myofilament gets shorter when the globular head pulls it?
The Actin filament
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What breaks the cross bridge?
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How do the Ca2+ ions get back to the sarcoplasm?
Active transport
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Name the 2 types of muscle fibres skeletal muscles are made up of?
-slow twitch
-Fast twitch
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Name 3 differences in slow and fast twitch muscles?
-slow twitch are reddish because they have lots of myoglobin, whereas fast twitch are whiteish because they do not have much myoglobin.
-Slow twitch are good for endurance activities, but fast are good for bursts of energy
- Slow twitch contract slowly, f
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What attaches the muscle to the bone?



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