Topic 5A

  • Created by: Ionahar
  • Created on: 29-01-23 11:39
What is an ecosystem?
All the organisms living in a particular area and all non-living factors
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What is a habitat?
The place where organisms live
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What is a population?
All the organisms of one species in a habitat
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What is population size?
The number of individuals of one species living in one area
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What is a community?
All organisms of different species living in the same habitat and interacting with each other
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What are abiotic and biotic factors?
1-Non living feature of the ecosystem e.g. temperature
2-living factors e.g. predators or food
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What is abundance?
Population size
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What is distribution?
where an organism is in a particular area
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What 2 things cause population size to vary?
-Abiotic factors
-Biotic factors
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Explain how abiotic factors could affect population size?
When abiotic factors are ideal ( Light, Temperature, water ) the species/organism will grow fast
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What happens to a species when abiotic factors aren't ideal?
The species does not grow
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Name 4 examples of abiotic factors?
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Name 3 ways biotic factors can affect a species?
-Interspecific competition
- Intraspecific competition
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What is interspecific competition?
competition between different species for recourses
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How does interspecific competition affect population size?
It reduces resources and causes both species size to reduce
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What is carrying capacity?
The maximum stable population size of a species that an ecosystem can support
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How does predication affect population size?
When prey increases or decrease so does the predator
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How does distribution also vary?
Abiotic and biotic factors
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Why do abiotic factors affect distribution?
Some organisms can survive in certain abiotic factors and therefore won't be found in that area
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How does interspecific affect distribution?
If one species is better adapted they will out compete the other one
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What is a niche?
the role of an organism within its habitat, including its abiotic and biotic interactions
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What is succession?
The process by which an ecosystem changes over time. The biotic factors change as the abiotic factors change
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Name the 2 type of succession?
-Primary succession
-Secondary succession
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What is primary succession?
This happens on a newly exposed land, where there is o soil or organic material just rock
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What is secondary succession?
This happens on land that has been cleared ,and only soil remains
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What is the name of the species that colonises the new land surface?
A pioneer species
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What allow pioneer to change the abiotic factors?
They are specially adapted
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What do the pioneer species leave when they die?
Organic materials
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What do these organic materials left behind do?
they make the environment less hostile, allowing other species to grow on it
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What is secondary succession?
It happens in the same way but there is soil to start with, so succession is happening at a different stage
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What is the final stage of succession called?
A climax community
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What is a climax community?
The ecosystem is supporting the largest and most complex community of plants and animals it can. And it wont change much more
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a habitat?


The place where organisms live

Card 3


What is a population?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is population size?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a community?


Preview of the front of card 5
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