Topic 4C resources from plants

  • Created by: Ionahar
  • Created on: 18-01-23 22:27
Name the 7 organelles in Plant cells?
1-cell wall
2-middle lamella
7-Vacuole and tonoplast
1 of 30
What is the function of the cell wall?
Supports cell
2 of 30
What is the function of the middle lamella?
Acts as an sticky layer to stick to adjacent cells?
3 of 30
What is the function of the Plasmodesmata?
Allows transport and communication of substances between cells
4 of 30
What is the function of the pits?
Allow transport of substances between cells
5 of 30
What is the function of the chloroplasts?
This is the site of photosynthesis
It can happen in the Stroma or the Granum
6 of 30
What is the function of the amyloplasts?
Contain starch
7 of 30
What is the function of the Vacuole and Tonopasts?
Contains cell sap and keeps turgid.
They also breakdown unwanted substance and chemicals
8 of 30
Name 3 different parts of the plants stem?
Xylem fibre
phloem tissue
sclerenchyma fibres
9 of 30
What is is the function of the phloem?
To transport organic solutes
10 of 30
What is the movement called of organic solutes in the phloem?
11 of 30
What 2 types of cells do Phloem contain?
Sieve tubes and companion cells
12 of 30
what is the function of the xylem vessels?
To transport water and mineral ion
and provide support
13 of 30
What thickens the walls of the xylem?
14 of 30
What is the function of sclerenchyma fibres?
to provide support
15 of 30
what do sclerenchyma fibres contain that make them strong?
16 of 30
What is sustainability?
Sustainability is the ability of an ecosystem to maintain (or ideally increase) its biodiversity whilst simultaneously providing humans with the resources
17 of 30
What is a renewable resource?
A resource that can be used indefinitely
e.g plants
18 of 30
Give an example of sustainable practice?
Replacing trees after logging
19 of 30
What can contribute to sustainability?
Using plant fibres and starch
20 of 30
How can you use plant fibres?
Making different products such a rope
21 of 30
What makes using Plant fibres good?
They are biodegradable
easier to grow
22 of 30
How can Starch help contribute to sustainablity?
Because they can be used to make plastics and be regrown
23 of 30
Why does a plant need water?
For Photosynthesis and to transport minerals
24 of 30
Why do plants need magnesium ions?
Needed for the production of chlorophyll?
25 of 30
what deficiency can arise for lack of magnesium?
Yellowing leaves and stunted growth
26 of 30
Why do plants need Nitrate ions?
Needed to make DNA, proteins, chlorophyll
27 of 30
what deficiency can arise for lack of Nitrate?
Stunted growth
(used for DNA, protein and chlorophyll)
28 of 30
Why do plants need Calcium?
Important components of the cell wall
29 of 30
what deficiency can arise for lack of Calcium?
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the function of the cell wall?


Supports cell

Card 3


What is the function of the middle lamella?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the function of the Plasmodesmata?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the function of the pits?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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