Topic 3: Mammalian Gametes specialisation

  • Created by: sakiya
  • Created on: 22-02-19 13:05
What are the parts in sperm cell?
Nucleus, acrosome, mitochondria, flagellum.
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What is the nucleus (in a sex cell) and what is it needed for?
It is a haploid cell (containing 23 chromosomes) it contains half of the genetic information needed from either the mother or the father.
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What is the acrosome and what is its function?
It is situated in the front of the sperm head and contains the digestive enzyme acrosin that digests follicle cells and zona pellucida after reaching the ovum (ovum releases chemicals which triggers the acrosome reaction).
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What is the mitochondria and its function?
It is situated in the middle of the sperm cell, this is where aerobic respiration will take place to produce ATP which is needed for the sperm to swim to make it motile.
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What is the flagellum and its function?
A long, thin hair like structure that allows the sperm to swim.
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What are the parts in the ovum/ egg cell?
Nucleus, follicle cells, zona pellucida, lipid droplets.
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What are follicle cells and its function?
Protective coating for the ovum.
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What is the zona pellucida and its function?
Protective glycoprotein layer that sperm have to penetrate. When the sperm penetrates it hardens and thickens to prevent polyspermy.
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What are lipid droplets and its function?
It acts as a food reserve for a nourishing embryo.
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Card 2


What is the nucleus (in a sex cell) and what is it needed for?


It is a haploid cell (containing 23 chromosomes) it contains half of the genetic information needed from either the mother or the father.

Card 3


What is the acrosome and what is its function?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the mitochondria and its function?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the flagellum and its function?


Preview of the front of card 5
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