Topic 3 - Changing families and households

  • Created by: E456
  • Created on: 31-03-17 09:58
dual-worker household
household where both partners are in paid employment
1 of 9
age-specific fertility rate
the number of births per 1000 women in a particular age group
2 of 9
life expectancy at birth
the average number of years a new-born baby can be expected to live
3 of 9
infant mortality rate
the number of deaths of infants aged under one per 1000 live births per year
4 of 9
international migration
the number of people who enter and leave the country
5 of 9
ageing population
the trend in Western countries towards an increasing proportion of older people in the population
6 of 9
oldest old
those aged 90 and over
7 of 9
older old
those who are not yet in their 90s
8 of 9
young old
those who have just reached retirement age
9 of 9

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Card 2


the number of births per 1000 women in a particular age group


age-specific fertility rate

Card 3


the average number of years a new-born baby can be expected to live


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Card 4


the number of deaths of infants aged under one per 1000 live births per year


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Card 5


the number of people who enter and leave the country


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