Topic 2 - Education and Social Class

What is Material deprivation?
1 of 14
What does Material Deprivation mean?
Lack of resources and money to succeed
2 of 14
What is Cultural Deprivation?
Lack of necessary attitudes
3 of 14
What is Cultural Capital?
Taste, knowledge and attitudes of the middle class
4 of 14
What area did Howard study?
5 of 14
What area did Dianne Reay study?
Fear of debt
6 of 14
What area did Douglas study?
Parents attitudes
7 of 14
What area did Burnstien study?
Language and Speech
8 of 14
What is Cultural Capital?
9 of 14
What does Polarisation mean? (Colin Lacey - Streaming & Pupil Subcultures)
The process when people respond to streaming by moving towards the opposite poles
10 of 14
What does Differentiation? (Colin Lacey - Streaming & Pupil Subcultures)
The process of categorising pupils on their attitude and behavior
11 of 14
What did Gillborn and Youdell study?
12 of 14
What does Pro School Subculture mean?
Students that are placed into high streams - mainly middle class
13 of 14
What is Anti School Subculture mean?
Students that are placed into low streams - suffer a loss of self esteem, mainly working class
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Material Deprivation mean?


Lack of resources and money to succeed

Card 3


What is Cultural Deprivation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Cultural Capital?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What area did Howard study?


Preview of the front of card 5
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