Topic 11

  • Created by: Jemma1494
  • Created on: 06-06-21 12:47
Hooke’s law
F = K ΔL

The force applied to a spring is proportional to the extension

K = spring constant
1 of 18
Elastic limit
The point at which the force on a spring has cause so much extension that it wont return to its original length
2 of 18
Cuboid volume
V = h x l x w
3 of 18
Cylinder volume
V = (πd^2)/4 x h
4 of 18
Sphere volume
V = 4/3 πr^3
5 of 18
Springs in series
Two spring attached on below the other

Same tension

ΔL = ΔLa + ΔLb

1/K = 1/Ka + 1/Kb
6 of 18
Springs in parallel
Two springs attached at the same level next to each other

Same extension

F = Fa + Fb
7 of 18
Tensile stress
The tension of a spring over its area

σ = F/A
8 of 18
Tensile strain
The extension of a spring over its initial length

ε = ΔL/L
9 of 18
Youngs modulus
A measure of stress over strain of a spring

E = σ/ε

10 of 18
Force extension graph
Area is the elastic potential

Ep = 1/2FΔL
11 of 18
Elastic potential
Ep = 1/2FΔL = 1/2KΔL^2
12 of 18
Stress strain graph
Linear graph = hookes law

Linear -> curved = limit of proportionality/ elastic limit
13 of 18
Plastic deformation
Occurs one the spring has exceeded the elastic limit
14 of 18
Elastic limit
The largest extension possible before the spring can’t return to it’s original length
15 of 18
Strongest spring graph
Steep gradient shows lower strain under stress
16 of 18
Plastic spring graph
Curved line shows plastic deformation and high strain under stress
17 of 18
Weak / elastic spring graph
Shallow gradient shows high strain under stress
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Elastic limit


The point at which the force on a spring has cause so much extension that it wont return to its original length

Card 3


Cuboid volume


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Cylinder volume


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Sphere volume


Preview of the front of card 5
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