topic 1 revision

  • Created by: emily.w.7
  • Created on: 17-12-19 13:59
What valves concern atrial systole?
1 of 40
what valves concern ventricular systole?
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How does blood get back to the heart in cardiac systole?
via the vena cava and pulmonary vein
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what happens to the pressure in a chamber when in contracts
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What causes the cascade of reaction in thrombosis?
exposure of collagen from the endothelium layer.
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What are the order of substances in thrombosis?
thromboplastin > prothrombin > thrombin > fibrinogen > fibrin > mesh of fibrin
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What three things can result from atherosclerosis?
heart attacks, stroke, and gangrene ( blocks artery in legs).
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describe the process of atherosclerosis.
endothelium layer becomes damaged, inflammatory response (WBCs and chems move from the blood) = fatty deposit, calcium and fibrous tissue build up = plaque, artery narrows and looses elasticity increasing bp
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describe atherosclerosis in 5 words.
endothelium, inflammatory response, fatty deposit, plaque, positive feedback.
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what are two consequences of atherosclerosis?
angina from lack of oxygen rich blood getting to the cells and blood clotting If plaque rupture the lining.
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What does ichaemia mean?
when the cells are starved of oxygen rich blood.
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how is an aneurysm formed?
when a blood clot causes a build up of blood behind = bulge
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what is high blood pressure?
the measure of hydrostatic force of blood against the walls
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how is tissue fluid formed?
high hydrostatic pressure at arteriole end opuses plasma fluid out of cappaliry into intercellular space
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what happens to 20% of the tissue fluid?
drains into lymph capillaries, flows through lymph vessels.
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how does lymph get back to the blood?
by thoracic duct in neck to the vena cava
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how does some of the tissue fluid water get back to the capillaries ?
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what is oedema ?
build up of tissue fluid causing swelling
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Name the 3 monosaccharides
glucoses galactose and fructose
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what are the 3 disaccharides made of?
Maltose= 2x glucose Lactose= glucose and galactose sucrose= glucose and fructose
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what are polysaccharides?
polymers made form glucose monomers
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why are starch and glycogen good storage molecules?
they are INSOLUBLE so they don't effect the osmotic patterns in and out of the cell
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name the 2 elements of starch
amylose (1,4 bonds= coil) and amylopectin (1,6. bonds =branch)
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what is a triglyceride made of?
one glycerol and 3 fatty acids connected by and ester bond
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name 3 aspects of saturated fatty acids.
max number of H, straight hydrocarbon chain, tightly packed with strong intermolecular forces making them solid at room temperature
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name 3 aspect of unsaturated fatty acids
double carbon to carbon bonds, the bent fatty acid tails bend pushing molecules apart causing them to be less compact, low intermolecular forces causing them to be liquid/oil at room temperature.
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what is basal metabolic rate?
energy needed for essential bodily processes
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what are liporpteins made of ?
insoluble cholesterol and proteins
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what are low density lipoproteins?
triglycerides, cholesterol and protien
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why are LDLs negative for health?
in excess the membrane receptors become overloaded = high blood cholesterol that become deposited in the arteries =atheroma
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why are HDLs positive for your health?
they transport cholesterol from the body to the liver where it can be broken down, lowering blood cholesterol and helps remove plaques.
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what are the consequences of smoking?
chemicals damage the lining of arteries, stimulates noradrenaline increasing heart rate, reduce HDL levells, carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin reducing oxygen =higher heart rate.
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what effects does a high salt diet have?
kidneys retain more water = increase in blood pressure from more blood fluids
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what problems does excessive drinking cause?
raises bp, obesity from high calorie content and irregular heart beat.
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name 4 medical treatment for CVD and what they do
antihypersensitives that reduce bp, anticoagulants red clot formation, statins reduce blood cholesterol, platelet inhibitors that make platelet less likely to stick together.
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name 3 antihypertensives and what they do
beta blockers: reduce contractions and make them less powerful, diuretics increase urine vol lowering bv & pressure, ACE inhibitors block production of angiotensin that causes arterial constriction.
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what is an example of an anticoagulant
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what do statins do?
they block the enzyme producing cholesterol in liver
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what do platelet inhibitors do?
make platelets less sticky reducing the risk of blood clots.
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what are some of the risks of medical treatments for CVD?
increase risk of diabetes, nausea, dizziness, uncontrolled bleeding, stomach bleeding and irritations to stomach linings
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what valves concern ventricular systole?



Card 3


How does blood get back to the heart in cardiac systole?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what happens to the pressure in a chamber when in contracts


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What causes the cascade of reaction in thrombosis?


Preview of the front of card 5
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