topic 1

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 16-02-22 15:20
what is a prokaryote
they are smaller simpler cells eg: bacteria
1 of 25
what is a eukaryote
they are more complex cells eg: animal and plant cells
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what does a animal and plant cells have
nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria and ribosomes
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what does only a plant cell have
cell wall, vacuole and chloroplasts
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what does bacteria have
chromosomal DNA, ribosomes, plasmid DNA and a flagellum
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what are multicellular organisms
contains lots of different types of cells
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what are specialised cells
a cell that is adapted to their function
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what type of cell is a sperm or an egg
epithelial cells
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what are egg and sperm cells specialised for
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how are egg cells specialised
after fertilisation the egg changes structure to not allow any more sperm in
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how are sperm cells specialised
lots of mitochondria to provide energy
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what is cilia used for
it is used to move substances
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how do you study cells
by using microscopes
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what is magnification
it is how many times bigger the image is
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total magnification=
eyepiece magnification lens x objective lens magnification
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image size/ actual size
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0.0005 in standard form =
5 x 10^-4
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what is an enzyme
they are natural catalysts
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how do enzymes work
there is a specific substrate to react with the specific enzymes to catalyse a reaction
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what do enzymes needs to work effectively
the right temperature, PH and substrate concentration
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rate of reaction =
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what do enzymes break down
starch, proteins and lipids
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what is diffusion
gradual movement of particles from a high to low concentration
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what is active transport
movement of particles from a low to high concentration
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what is osmosis
movement of water from a high to low concentration
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a eukaryote


they are more complex cells eg: animal and plant cells

Card 3


what does a animal and plant cells have


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does only a plant cell have


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does bacteria have


Preview of the front of card 5
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