Theories of the family.

What did Murdock argue were the four essential functions the family performs to meet the needs of society and its members?
Stable satisfaction of the sex drive, Reproduction of the next generation, Socialization of the young, Meeting its members economic needs
1 of 5
What were the two essential needs industrial society had according to Parson's?
A geographically mobile workforce and a socially mobile workforce.
2 of 5
What causes a loss in functions in the family according to Parson's?
Industrialisation - an example being a unit of consumption and production. In extended, families were multi-functional unit as they were both a unit of consumption and production. As society industrialised the family only became a unit of consumption
3 of 5
What are the two irreducible functions, according to Parsons'?
The primary socialisation of the children and the stabilization of adult personalities
4 of 5
What are the three functions the family fulfill for capitalism?
Inheritance of property, Ideological functions, A unit of consumption.
5 of 5

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Card 2


What were the two essential needs industrial society had according to Parson's?


A geographically mobile workforce and a socially mobile workforce.

Card 3


What causes a loss in functions in the family according to Parson's?


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Card 4


What are the two irreducible functions, according to Parsons'?


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Card 5


What are the three functions the family fulfill for capitalism?


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