
  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 09-12-12 16:30
How do functionalists view the nuclear family?
1 of 11
What does Murdock say about the nuclear family?
It's universal
2 of 11
What four functions does Murdock say the family performs?
Stable satisfaction of sex drive, reproduction, primary socialisation, and economic reliability
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What would be a good counter arguement for Murdocks' views of the family?
It ignores conflict and gender inequality
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How does Parsons view the nuclear family?
That it performs many other functions
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What are the current functions of the Parsons family?
Unit of consumption, primary socialisation of children, and stablilisation of adult personalities
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What does he say about the rise of the nuclear family?
It provides opportunities for geographical mobility, and opportunities for social mobility
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What are the lost functions of the family?
Unit of production and Welfare needs
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Who provides an evaluation against Parsons' theory?
Young and Wilmott, Laslett, and Anderson
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What do Yound and Willmott say about the Parsons theory
Nuclear family isn't new, and short life expectancy made only one parent work
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What does Anderson say about the theory?
Extended families aren't disappearing and not being over ran by nuclear families.
11 of 11

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Card 2


What does Murdock say about the nuclear family?


It's universal

Card 3


What four functions does Murdock say the family performs?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What would be a good counter arguement for Murdocks' views of the family?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does Parsons view the nuclear family?


Preview of the front of card 5
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