The Solar System

  • Created by: Go
  • Created on: 25-12-12 21:09
What is the asteroid belt between?
Mars and Jupiter
1 of 38
Do planets reflect sunlight?
2 of 38
Do planets orbit around stars?
3 of 38
Do all planets have a bigger or smaller radius than the Sun's?
4 of 38
What galaxy do we live in?
Milky Way galaxy
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Define: Galaxy
A galaxy is a collection of billions of stars. The Sun is one of many billions of stars which form the Milky Way galaxy.
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What unit of measurement do we measure long distances in outer space in?
Light years (ly)
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How many galaxies make up our universe?
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What does SETI stand for?
Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
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Signals in a narrow band could have come from...
A transmitter.
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The 'noise' comes from other things like
Giant stars.
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How is data sent back to Earth, that are from robots and probes?
Microwaves and radio signals.
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Name the next two planets after Neptune?
Pluto and Eris.
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Name one way in which telescopes may have problems in looking at outer space.
Earth's atmosphere gets in the way - it absorbs a lot of light coming from space before it can reach us.
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Name two ways in which pollution can be an issue in looking at outer space.
Light pollution - (light thrown up into the sky from street lamps, etc.) makes it hard to pick out dim objects. And air pollution (e.g dust particles) can reflect and absorb light coming from space.
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Where should you go to get the best view from Earth?
A telescope should be on top of a mountain (where there's less atmosphere above it), and far aways from any cities (e.g on Hawaii).
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Do all telescopes detect the same electromagnetic waves?
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What type of telescope was responsible for the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation (that helped scientists to learn more about the origin of the Earth)?
Radio telescopes
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Do bigger telescopes give us a better resolution?
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A spectrometer is a tool used to analyse the _____ given out by stars and galaxies.
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Define: spectrometer
A spectrometer is an apparatus that can seperate light into a spectrum.
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How does a spectrometer work?
It works by the telescope directing a beam of light into the spectrometer and through a slit. This diffracts (bends) the light and splits it up into a spectrum - similar to a prism.
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The light spectra from stars and galaxies contain...
Dark lines.
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These dark lines are caused by the light at those wavelengths being ______, e.g. by elements in the star's atmosphere. These patterns of dark lines are called _____ spectra.
These dark lines are caused by the light at those wavelengths being absorbed, e.g. by elements in the star's atmosphere. These patterns of dark lines are called absorption spectra.
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Absorption spectra can be used to work out...
What the stars and galaxies are made of.
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What are the spectra's called with bright lines?
Emission spectra.
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The spectra for galaxies further away appear more _____ than they should.
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Define: emitted
When you produce and discharge something.
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Stars initially form clouds of dust and gas called...
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The force of gravity makes the gas and dust spiral in together. Gravitational energy is converted into heat energy, so the temperature _____.
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Eventually the hydrogen in the core begins to run out and the star then swells into a _____ giant (it becomes _____ because the surface cools).
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Light from other galaxies are...
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More distant galaxies are moving away _____ than nearer ones.
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Red-shift provides evidence that the whold of the Universe is...
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What is the main electromagnetic radiation in the universe?
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According to the Big Bang theory, all the matter and energy in the Universe must have been _____ into a very small space. It then exploded and started expanding.
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Our best guess is that the Big Bang happened 14 _____ years ago.
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When a star is forming the gravitational energy temperature rises. Why does that happen?
Because gravitational energy is converted into heat energy.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Do planets reflect sunlight?



Card 3


Do planets orbit around stars?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Do all planets have a bigger or smaller radius than the Sun's?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What galaxy do we live in?


Preview of the front of card 5
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