The Restless Earth-Why is a tsunami hazardous? (1.8)

  • Created by: Sofalof
  • Created on: 17-11-12 18:00
A tsunami is usually caused by...
An earthquake
1 of 14
When did the Indian Ocean tsunami occur?
26th December 2004
2 of 14
What was the force of the earthquake that caused the tsunami?
3 of 14
How fast to tsunamis move?
4 of 14
What do tsunami waves do as they reach the coast?
They slow and increase in height
5 of 14
The earthquake that caused the Indian Ocean tsunami is the...
5th largest earthquake ever recorded
6 of 14
Which town was worst affected?
Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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How many people were dead or missing?
8 of 14
How many people were displaced?
2 million
9 of 14
How many houses were destroyed?
10 of 14
How much money was pledged within a week?
11 of 14
What was used to supply aid to remote areas?
Air drops
12 of 14
Tsunami drills, evacuation procedures, tsunami resistant buildings, land use zoning and warning/monitoring systems are all examples of what?
Long-term responses
13 of 14
Which countries were affected by the tsunami?
India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did the Indian Ocean tsunami occur?


26th December 2004

Card 3


What was the force of the earthquake that caused the tsunami?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How fast to tsunamis move?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do tsunami waves do as they reach the coast?


Preview of the front of card 5
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