The New Deal Quiz

  • Created by: Go
  • Created on: 16-02-15 12:58
The government declared a bank holiday. When the banks reopened 8 days later the government officially backed 5000 banks, reassuring the public that their money was safe.
Emergency Banking Act
1 of 9
Regulation of the stock market to prevent speculation that caused the Wall St. Crash.
Securities Exchange Act
2 of 9
$500m was allocated to help relieve suffering of poor (food, clothing, etc.). Seed + equipment for farmers, schemes to create jobs.
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
3 of 9
Men aged 16-25 given 6 mths work. They had to send most of their pay home to parents/wives. By 1940 2 million joined.
Civilian Conservation Corps
4 of 9
paid for public works projects (e.g. schools, roads + hospitals) and used unemployed workers.
Public Works Administration
5 of 9
Government advised farmers to prevent overproduction (keeping fields empty)  this raised prices + increased incomes. AAA helped farmers modernise + rebuild their businesses. Farmers became more organised.
Agricultural Adjustment Agency
6 of 9
Set minimum wages and a maximum 8-hour day. Trade unions were encouraged. This tried to improve workers’ pay + conditions.
National Recovery Act
7 of 9
Huge public works projects; dams, irrigation (supplying water with land), canals + water transport. Hydro-electric power  created thousands of jobs. Farmers were given loans + training in soil conservation. New housing built.
Tennessee Valley Authority
8 of 9
Helped people who were in danger of having their homes repossessed. It provided new long-term loans.
Home Owners’ Loan Corporation
9 of 9

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Card 2


Regulation of the stock market to prevent speculation that caused the Wall St. Crash.


Securities Exchange Act

Card 3


$500m was allocated to help relieve suffering of poor (food, clothing, etc.). Seed + equipment for farmers, schemes to create jobs.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Men aged 16-25 given 6 mths work. They had to send most of their pay home to parents/wives. By 1940 2 million joined.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


paid for public works projects (e.g. schools, roads + hospitals) and used unemployed workers.


Preview of the front of card 5
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