The Nervous System

  • Created by: Millie
  • Created on: 05-05-13 18:58
What is a stimulus?
A stimulus is a change in your environment which you may need to react to
1 of 10
Name your five sense organs
Eyes, ears, nose, tongue & skin
2 of 10
Give 4 example of a stimulus
(Any 4) Light, sound, touch, pressure, pain, chemical, change in position & change in temperature
3 of 10
What does the 'CNS' stand for and what does it consist of?
'Central Nervous System', the brain & spinal cord
4 of 10
What do neurones do and how do they do it?
Neurones (nerve cells) transmit information as electrical impulses
5 of 10
Where do 'instructions' from the CNS get sent?
Effectors which are glands and muscles
6 of 10
What are synapses and how do they do their job?
A synapse is the connection between two neurones- the nerve signal is transferred by chemicals which move across the gap between the two neurones
7 of 10
What is a reflex?
It is an automatic response to a certain stimulus to prevent you being injured
8 of 10
When a nerve impulse arrives at the end of a neurone what does it trigger?
The release of a neurotransmitter molecule
9 of 10
Hows does the reflex arc work?
1. Stimulus is detected by receptors 2. Signal travels along Sensory Neurone 3. Signal passes from the Sensory Neurone to the Relay Neurone 4. Signal passes from relay neurone to Motor Neurone 5. Signal reaches muscle or gland 6. Muscle responds/
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name your five sense organs


Eyes, ears, nose, tongue & skin

Card 3


Give 4 example of a stimulus


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the 'CNS' stand for and what does it consist of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do neurones do and how do they do it?


Preview of the front of card 5
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