The Iliad - Events of Book 6 Quiz


1. What does Andromache do as soon as Hector leaves?

  • She mourns for him because she believes he will die.
  • She visits Priam to seek reassurance.
  • She calls for the hand maidens to take the child.
  • She visits Helen to seek reassurance.
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Other questions in this quiz

2. Why are the Greeks able to advance on Ilium in this book?

  • Zeus is helping them.
  • The gods are absent.
  • Nestor has organised troops well.
  • Hector is absent.

3. What is the name of Hector's wife?

  • Helen
  • Andromache
  • Briseis
  • Hecabe

4. Who does Hector ask to pray in the temple of Athene?

  • Helen and the noblewomen
  • Priam and the elders.
  • Hecabe and the noblewomen
  • Priam and the noblemen

5. Who does Hector visit last on his trip to Ilium?

  • Priam and the elders.
  • His mother.
  • His wife and son.
  • Paris and Helen.


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