The Heart and Circulatory System

Flash card questions and answers on the heart and circulation.

  • Created by: Gb
  • Created on: 17-03-13 14:44
Why is the blood circulatory system needed?
To provide all cells with glucose and oxygen and remove waste products (carbon dioxide)
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What three things make up the blood circulation system?
Blood vessels, blood and the heart
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What is double circulation and the two circulation names?
Pulmonary circulation - transports blood from the heart to the lungs and back again (exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide) and the Systemic Circulation - carries blood to all other organs
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What supplies the heart with oxygen?
Coronary ateries
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What are the main four chambers of the heart?
Left and right atrium and left and right ventricle
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What vein and artery transports deoxygenated blood to and from the heart?
Vena cava and pulmonary artery
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What vein and artery carries oxygenated blood to and from the heart?
Pulmonary vein and aorta
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Which section of the heart has the thickest muscle and why?
Left venticle - has to pump blood all around the body (the furthest)
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Why are valves important?
To keep blood flow in the right direction
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What separates the two sides of the heart?
The septum
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What acts as a pacemaker naturally in your heart?
A group of cells in the right atrium (area is known as sinoatrial node)
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What is an artificial pacemaker?
An electrical device put in your chest to correct heart rate
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What can be done if an artificial pacemaker is not enough?
A heart transplant or an artificial heart (artificial heart can be the best temporary option as you don't have to wait on a donor list)
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What do the arteries, veins and capillaries do?
Arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood to the heart and capillaries enable the diffusion of substances such as glucose, oxygen and carbon dioxide
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What are three differences in structure between the veins and arteries?
Artery - thick walls, small lumen, thick muscle layer and vein - large lumen, thin walls and often have valves, but thin muscles
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What happens in coronary heart disease? How is it solved?
Restricted (or no) blood flow due to fat deposits (can cause heart attacks, pain or death), stents are inserted into the blood vessels to allow blood flow
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What is bypass surgery?
removing blocked coronary arteries and replacing with sections of veins
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What happens to valves over time?
They become weak, stiff or may leak - which can cause death
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How can faulty valves be replaced?
Mechanical valves or biological valves (from pigs, cows or human donors, but only last around 12-15 years)
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What is the blood made up of?
Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platlets
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What does the plasma transport?
Carbon dioxide, urea and some digested food molecules
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What three adaptions do red blood cells have to carry oxygen?
Biconcave shape (increased surface area), have haemoglobin and no nucleus
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What are platelets for?
They are fragments of cells that help blood clot
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What are the four blood groups?
A, B, AB or O
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Which blood group is compatible with all blood groups?
Group O
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What three things make up the blood circulation system?


Blood vessels, blood and the heart

Card 3


What is double circulation and the two circulation names?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What supplies the heart with oxygen?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the main four chambers of the heart?


Preview of the front of card 5
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