Other questions in this quiz

2. What German industry chemical group became the largest in Europe?

  • Chemist Inc
  • IG Farben
  • German Chemical
  • Farben ID

3. How many people were covered in the unemployment insurance?

  • 345,00
  • 175,000
  • 17,000,000
  • 1000
  • 4,500,000

4. What was the problem with Economic Growth?

  • It was uneven
  • Suceeded beyond the needs of the Germans
  • Economy never grew
  • Hindered by the War

5. What was the working population by 1931?

  • 77.4 Million
  • 1.7 Million
  • 33.4 Million
  • 23.6 Million


esther birch


check your answers hamdy

lots of love and kisses

isobel from cairo

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