The working memory model

What is the wmm concerned with? BADDELEY
Memory that you use when ur working on a complex task which requires you to store information as you go along, short rerm memory. It addresses short term or immediate memory
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What is the central executive?
Monitors and coordinates the brains three slave systems which are used when the brain is working on a complex task- the slave systems are all focused towards different things.
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State the function of the central executive?
it directs attention to particular tasks, determining how the brains resource's are allocated to tasks based on what they require The resources are the three slave systems listed below- phonological loop, visuo spatial sketchpad, episodic buffer.
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Capacity of Central executive
Very limited, no capacity for storing data, plays role of organiser, directs attention to tasks based on their importance
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What is the phonological loop?
holds acoustic information in STM accoridng to pitch and tone, volume- in a loop so that we remember it. Concerned with order of information, words we hear are looped like an inner voice. Limited capacity
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Visuo spatial sketchpad
secound slave system that is activated by central executive when you have to plan a spatial task- concerned with visual and spatial information- physical relationship. Subdivided into visual cache and inner script
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What is the visuo spatial sketchpad divided into?
Visual cache which stores information about visual items like colour.
An inner scribe which stores the arrangement of objects in the visual field.
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What is the episodic buffer?
extra storage system with limited capacity, it receives info from a range of sources and intergrates and sytnthesis this info. Links info to LTM
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who designed the working memory model
baddeley and hitch to explain how short term memory is divided into several sub compoents- number of different stores. because of dual task performance
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evidience for role of central executive and dual task performance effect from baddeley and hitch. Task one occupied central exective, task two either phenological loop and maybe the central executive. Task one was slower when task 2 used both artuculaory
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explains how cogntive processes interact in memory, and why sometimes we cant do things at the same time(dual task performance) because our slave systems involved in short term memory have a limited capacity. explains results of dual task performance stud
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the central executive is a vague and untestable concept- used highly controlled lab studies which question the external validty of the WMM.
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active rather than passive
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the central executive?


Monitors and coordinates the brains three slave systems which are used when the brain is working on a complex task- the slave systems are all focused towards different things.

Card 3


State the function of the central executive?


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Card 4


Capacity of Central executive


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Card 5


What is the phonological loop?


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