The Working Memory Model

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 15-02-22 11:35
who proposed this model and what does to focus on?
Baddely and Hitch
1 of 12
what was the diagram?
central executive
A.C.S+P.S ↓ I.S+V.C
-->long term memory<--
2 of 12
continuing w previous card
P.L- phonological loop, E.B- episodic buffer. V-S.S- visuo spatial sketchpad, A.C.S- articulatory control system, P.S- phonological store, I.S- inner scribe, V.C- visual cache
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what does the central executive do?
(include capacity, function, coding)
is the boss of WMM (controls it), supervises the functions and controls the systems, capacity- limited, coding- all senses
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what's the phonological loop?
(include capacity, function and coding)
is a temporary storage system for verbal info, A.C.S- 'inner voice' as it allows subvocal repetition of acoustic info, phonological store- 'inner ear'. coding- acoustic info, capacity- limited
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whats the visuo spatial sketchpad?
(include capacity, function and coding)
it is a temporary storage system for visual info, inner scribe deals w manipulation of melts images, coding- visual and spatial info, capacity- limited (visual cache)
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what does episodic buffer do?
(Include coding, functions and capacity)
the episodic buffer binds and integrates info form all components and passes info to the LTM. it coding- visual and acoustic info. capacity- limited
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name the evaluations
+support from case study, Patient KF, injured in a motorcycle accident, was able to recall stored info in LTM but had issues with STM, able to remember visual images and faces but couldn't remember sounds (meaning there are 2 components in STM)
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counting w previous card
+support dual task studies, Baddely and Hitch studied PP who had to multi task, in one condition, they had 2 acoustic tasks such as remembering digits and completing a verbal task, in another, they had 1 acoustic (remembering-
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continuing w previous card
P.L=phonological loop
-digits) and a visuo task (copying a drawing). when both tasks required P,L, ability to preform the task was impaired, when only 1 task requires the P.L, the ability to preform the task wasn't impaired (showing the existence of components in STM)
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continuing w previous card
-only focuses on STM and doesn't explore the link between STM and LTM, there's no explanation on how info is processed+transferred from STM to LTM so it maybe an incomplete model
- takes a nomothetic approach
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continuing w previous card
-experimental reductionism, isolated variable in a lab exp, doesn't focus on complexity of everything
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what was the diagram?


central executive
A.C.S+P.S ↓ I.S+V.C
-->long term memory<--

Card 3


continuing w previous card


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does the central executive do?
(include capacity, function, coding)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what's the phonological loop?
(include capacity, function and coding)


Preview of the front of card 5
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