The transformer

How does the transformer work?
Alternating voltage in primary coil --> alternating magnetic field --> alternating voltage in secondary coil
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What are step-up transformers?
Fewer turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil. Voltage increases
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What are step-down transformers?
Fewer turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil. Voltage decreases
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What are isolating transformers?
Reduce the risk of electrocution as the user is protected from the live mains supply
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What is an example of an isolating transformer?
shaver plugs in bathrooms
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Where are transformers used in the National Grid?
Step-up transformers increase the potential difference and decrease the current. This reduces loss of energy as heat. Near our homes, there is a step-down transformer to decrease the potential difference back to safe levels
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What is the equation for power?
Power = current x voltage
7 of 8
Why do wires where there is high current get hot?
the kinetic energy of the electrons converts to thermal energy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are step-up transformers?


Fewer turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil. Voltage increases

Card 3


What are step-down transformers?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are isolating transformers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an example of an isolating transformer?


Preview of the front of card 5
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