The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde- key quotes

  • Created by: DunnillE
  • Created on: 14-04-18 17:24
Hint Simile and Ivy chapter 1- The story of the door
"his affections, like ivy, were the growth of time"
1 of 62
Hint: Description of the back of Jekyll's house represents Hyde's persona chapter 1
"a sinister block of building thrust forward"
2 of 62
Hint: Enfield reminds the audience of the duality of humanity a victorian society hidden away with opium dens instead of a civillised version of society. Chapter 1
"some place at the end of the world"
3 of 62
Hyde's first-known crime. Juxtapostition of the brutality of Hyde's actions with the complacency of his reactions adds to the horror.
"the man trample calmly over the child's body and left her screaming"
4 of 62
Hint: Reference to a satanic act from Hyde described by Enfield.
"it was hellish to see"
5 of 62
Hint: Hyde compared to a large lorry suggesting his strength. Reference to hell again. Chapter 1
"like some dammed Juggernaut"
6 of 62
Hint: Enfield forms a strong opinion of Hyde showing powerful effect that Hyde has on people Chapter 1
"I had taken a loathing to my gentleman at first sight..."
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Hint: Mr Enfield promised revenge on Hyde. Highlights importance of reputation in Victorian society.
"make his name stick from end of London to the other"
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Hint: Hyde= Devil, simile
"really like Satan"
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Hint: Hyde's disability
"He must be deformed, he gives a strong feeling of deformity,"
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Hint: Theme of secrecy Chapter 1
"Mr Utterson sighed deeply but never said a word..."
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Hint: Mr Utterson's curious nature. Links in with 'brow' representing the mind Chapter 2- Search for Mr Hyde
"his hand to his brow like a man in mental perplexity"
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Hint: Descripton of Dr Lanyon. Contrasts with his appearance later after he sees Hyde's transformation into Jekyll
"This was a hearty, healthy, dapper-faced gentleman"
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Hint: Dr Lanyon disapproves of Jekyll's reseach
"Henry Jekyll became too fanciful for me. He began to go wrong, wrong in the mind..."
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Hint: Jekyll's science is nonsense to Lanyon
"unscientific balderdash"
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Hint: Jekyll & Lanyon can't put aside their scientific differences and don't see each other anymore. 'Devillish' and 'little' could link to Hyde.
"I have seen devilish little of the man."
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Hint: Utterson's first encounter with Hyde. 'Hissing' symbolies a snake which could be a connotation of the devil (Adam and Eve)
"Mr Hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of breath..."
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Hint: Hyde has no regard of a polite conversation, his behaviour is barbaric.
"snarled aloud into a savage laugh"
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Hint: Mr Utterson reacts the same way everyone does when they meet Hyde.
"unknow disgust, loathing and fear"
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Hint: Jekyll's house represents his secret, inner experiments, which are now a sinful metaphor. the 'darkness' represents experimentation with Hyde.
"one house...wore a great air of wealth and comfort though it was now plunged into darkness"
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Hint: theme of secrecy and reputation suggestion of yin and yang.
"secret compared to which poor Jekyll's worst would be like sunshine"
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Chapter 3- Dr Jekyll was quite at ease. Hint: Reference to theme of secrecy and the idea that gossiping was immodest.
"the loose tongued has already their foot on the threshold"
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Hint: Jekyll's appearance contrasts with Hyde's
"a large, well-made, smoothed face man of fifty"
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Hint: Jekyll seems to be ashamed and doesn't want to discuss his evil side
"The large handsome face of Dr Jekyll grew pale to the very lips and there came a blackness about his eyes."
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Hint: Jekyll reassuring Utterson that Hyde can be removed- it's ironic that Jekyll continues to return back to Hyde unable to resist his temptation
"the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr Hyde"
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Chapter 4- The Carew Murder Case. Hint: Pathetic fallacy of fog over london. Representation of Mr Utterson's mind.
"a fog rolled over the city"
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Hint: Hyde has no self-control & is easily angered. Simile
"he broke out in a great flame of anger... carrying on like a mad man"
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Hint: The brutality of Hyde's murder of Carew. Described in animalistic terms suggesting Hyde is controlled by his impulses and the more primitive side of himself. Link to first paragraph when he tramples the child. Metaphor 'storm of blows'
"with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot and hailing down a storm of blows"
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Hint: Jekyll submerged into Hyde again, Jekyll's sins & fears seem to be reflecting upon the city of London. Simile
"this mornful reinvasion of darkness... like a district of some city in a nightmare."
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Chapter 5-Incident of the letter. Hint:Description of Jekyll's laboratory. Reference to Utterson's mind
"light falling dimly through the foggy cupola"
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Hint: Suggestion of Jekyll being a 'disconsolate prisoner'.
"dusty windows barred with iron"
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Hint: Jekyll's appearance has changed and seems to be deteriorating physically.
"Dr Jekyll looking deadly sick..."
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Hint:description of London. Carbuncles are the colour red which could be symbolic of blood suggesting another death is to take place.
"the lamp glimmered like carbuncles"
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Chapter 6- Remarkable incident of Dr Lanyon. Hint: Hyde's past actions goes against Victorian society theme of reputation
"his past was unearthed...and all disreputable"
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Hint: Contrast with Lanyon's previous appearance ("healthy hearty")
"the rosy man had grown pale; his flesh had fallen away"
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Hint: Lanyon is intolerant to what he has seen and has been deafeated by Jekyll.
"I have had a shock and I shall never recover"
36 of 62
Hint: Jekyll realised what he has done and understands he is the only person who can deal with it. Suggestion of hell and penance for sins
"I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also."
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Chapter 7- Incident at the window. Hint: Jekyll is unhappy and appears to be trapped. Simile and connection to chapter 4
"like some disconsolate prisoner"
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Hint: Reference to secrecy.
"they turned and left the court without a word"
39 of 62
Hint: Jekyll's transformation is unnatural. Utterson begs god's forgiveness as at that time religion and belief in god was still very big.Repetition
"God forgive us! God forgive us!"
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Chapter 8- The Last Night. Hint: Pathetic Fallacy, gothic setting which creates suspense.
"It was a wild, cold, seasonable night of March..."
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Hint: Hyde is compared to a monkey, suggestion of his animalistic ways.
"that masked thing like a monkey"
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Hint: The connection of evil between Jekyll and Hyde.
"Evil...evil was sure to come of that connection."
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Hint: Utterson is sacrificing his honour to do what's right. Showing he is humble and protective of others.
"my shoulders are broad enough to bear the blame"
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Hint: Poole compares his master to a woman- emphasising on the idea that women were considered to be weak.
"Weeping like a woman or a lost soul"
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Hint: Hyde acting like an animal showing his primitive nature.
"A dismal screeech, as of mere animal terror, rang from the cabinet."
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Hint: Suicide, Jekyll murders himself through Hyde.
"the body of a self-destroyer"
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Hint: Jekyll's ending signature. His need for happiness has turned against him.
"Your unworthy and unhappy friend..."
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Chapter 9- Dr Lanyon's Narrative. Hint: Hyde tells Lanyon that what he shall witness will be life-changing. Reference to Satan
"your sight shall be blasted by a prodigy to stagger the unbelief of Satan"
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Hint: Hyde's blameable and resentful language; suggests Stevenson's support of the new victorian technological emerge
"bound to the most narrow and material views, you have denied the virtue of transcendental medicine, you who have derided your superiors- behold!"
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Hint: Dr Lanyon immediately turns to religion upon seeing Hyde turning into Jekyll.
"O God!...O God!"
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Hint: Simile. Lanyon appears to use impossible language to describe what he has seen. Potential oxymoron.
"like a man restored from death"
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Chapter 10- Dr Jekyll's full statment of the case. Hint: Dr Jekyll's beginnings of his duality, he hid his true self.
"I concealed my pleasures"
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Hint:Reference to the theme of good vs evil and duality.
"those provinces of good and ill which divide and compound man's dual nature"
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Hint: Dr Jekyll's revelation of duality, he knows that it's something that ultimately destroys him.
"I have been doomed to such a dreadfulo shipwreck: that man is not trulyone, but truly two."
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Hint: Reference to duality which is primitive
"primitive duality of man"
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Hint: Jekyll suggests a sense of relief in being Hyde as he's free from society. Theme of reputation
"no longer exposed to disgrace by the hands of this extraneous evil"
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Hint: Jekyll degrades society.
"the curse of mankind"
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Hint: Jekyll describes using a pained metaphor of a pregnant woman
"the agonized womb of consciousness"
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Hint: Jekyll comments on how his 'evil' has affected him.
"my evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul."
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Hint: Jekyll says Hyde is a creature 'of Hell'
"That child of Hell had nothing human"
61 of 62
Hint: The final line in novel
"I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end."
62 of 62

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Hint: Description of the back of Jekyll's house represents Hyde's persona chapter 1


"a sinister block of building thrust forward"

Card 3


Hint: Enfield reminds the audience of the duality of humanity a victorian society hidden away with opium dens instead of a civillised version of society. Chapter 1


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Hyde's first-known crime. Juxtapostition of the brutality of Hyde's actions with the complacency of his reactions adds to the horror.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Hint: Reference to a satanic act from Hyde described by Enfield.


Preview of the front of card 5
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