The sacramental nature of reality

  • Created by: juliska
  • Created on: 25-11-18 18:08
The sacramental nature of reality
Christian believe that the whole of God's creation shows the presence of God in what Catholics call the sacramental nature of reality- God's power and nature can be understood and seen through the things he has made.
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The Church's sacraments
Sacraments are outward signs that an inward gift of grace has been given by God. The Catholic Church celebrates seven sacraments.
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The sacraments of baptism
>Practice- parents and godparents bring the child to church and the priest pours water over the child, baptising in the name of the Trinity, anoints with chrism and gives a lighted candle.
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The sacraments of baptism
>Symbolism- the water symbolises washing way sin; the oil and candle symbolise being claimed by Christ.
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The sacraments of baptism
>Meaning- the original sin with which the child is born is waged away.
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Baptism is important for Catholics because
The Catechism teaches that without baptism, a person cannot receive the other sacraments.
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Baptism is important for Catholics because
Baptism makes a person a full member of the Church, ready to begin a new life in the Holy Spirit.
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Baptism is important for Catholics because
Baptism washes away original sin so that the baptised can achieve salvation and enter heaven
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The sacrament of confirmation
>Practice- the candidate renews the vows made on their behalf at baptism and the bishop lays his hands on the candidate and anoints them with chrism.
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The sacrament of confirmation
>Symbolism- the laying on of hands symbolises the gift of the Holy Spirit and the oil symbolises being called for a special task.
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The sacrament of confirmation
>Meaning- the confirmed person has fully joined the Catholic Church.
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Confirmation is important because
it makes the person a full member of the Church and only those who are confirmed can take on lay ministries.
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Confirmation is important because
It gives the strength of the Spirit to live the Christian life and in baptism, promises were made by the person's parents and godparents, while in confirmation it is the individuals own choice to declare his or her belief.
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The sacrament of the Eucharist
The sacraments of the Eucharist unites people with Christ.
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The sacrament of reconciliation
The sacraments of reconciliation forgives a person's sin and brings them into a closer relationship wit God.
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The sacrament of anointing the sick
The sacrament of anointing of the sick gives seriously ill people the strength to face serious illness and death. The priest lays his hands on the sick person and prays for the person, and them sins and give them Holy Communion.
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The sacrament of the anointing the sick
The sacrament is important because it gives grace, spiritual strength and healing, and allows the person's sin to be forgiven so they can enter heaven.
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The sacrament of marriage
Catholic marriage is a sacrament involving God as well as the bride and groom.
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The sacrament of marriage
This gives grace and strenght for a life-long relationship of love and faithfulness, for the procreation of children and the raising of a Christian family.
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The sacrament of holy orders
Holy orders is the sacrament when men are consecrated into the ordained ministry. The bishops lays his hands upon each candidate and anionts their hands with chrism at a special Mass, giving them the grace to administer the sacraments.
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Different views of the sacraments
Most Protestants believe only baptism and the Eucharists are essential for salvation because they were instituted by Jesus.
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Different views of the sacraments
Some Protestants, for example Quakers and the Salvation Army, have no sacraments because they believe rituals belong to the old law of the Old Testament and not the new law of Jesus.
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Different views of the sacraments
Some Protestants, for example Baptists and Pentecostals, believe only adults can be baptised because only adults baptism is referred to in the Bible.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Sacraments are outward signs that an inward gift of grace has been given by God. The Catholic Church celebrates seven sacraments.


The Church's sacraments

Card 3


>Practice- parents and godparents bring the child to church and the priest pours water over the child, baptising in the name of the Trinity, anoints with chrism and gives a lighted candle.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


>Symbolism- the water symbolises washing way sin; the oil and candle symbolise being claimed by Christ.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


>Meaning- the original sin with which the child is born is waged away.


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