The Revolution, May–End of July 1789

Weeks 11 and 12

  • Created by: Scanli12
  • Created on: 04-12-17 14:52
What were written and produced by each of the three estates to show their grievances?
The Cahiers de Doléances
1 of 69
What economical crisis happened in 1788?
Bad harvest
2 of 69
what did the bad harvest lead to?
mass food riots
3 of 69
What happened with textiles in 1789?
textiles production cut by 50%
4 of 69
When were the Reveillon Riots?
26–29 April 1789
5 of 69
What caused them?
misinterpretation of a factory worker's words
6 of 69
how many died?
7 of 69
What did th third estate believe the king and necker would do?
• Believed King Louis and Necker were friends of 3rd estate and would soon help them
8 of 69
When did the Estates-General meet?
4th May 1789
9 of 69
how many deputies in the 2nd and 1st estates?
10 of 69
and for third estate?
11 of 69
who was Maximilien Robespierre ?
more typical representative of 3rd estate
12 of 69
how could the cahiers be described?
as liberal
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what did they condemn?
ancient regime
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how many out of the total clerical deputies wanted change? (fraction)
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What did they all want for the estates-generals' convening?
16 of 69
give 3 examples of change wanted
financial inequality, feudal rights, personal rights
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How did the king's government respond to all of the demands for change?
they had no solution
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what did the king lose?
19 of 69
what did the third estate declare itself?
the national assembly
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who did they directly challenge with demands for self control?
21 of 69
when was the tennis court oath? (tco)
June 20, 1789
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what did the king agree with necker? (tco)
he needed to hold a royal session with all 3 estates (voting per head) and offer a reform package
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What was the big misunderstanding of french kingly irony?? (tco)
that the king was preparing to use armed force to shut 3rd estate down but really he was in a royal session in their room
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where did the third estate move to?
a big tennis court indoors
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what did they swear to each other?
never to separate until a written constitution had been established for France.
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why did louis then have a hissy fit?
because he took it personally which was and then sulked with necker
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What was Louis' family's response?
His wife and brother forced him to stay strong.
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What did Louis agree to?
No taxation without consent
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What did Louis abolish?
Direct Orders and Internal customs barriers
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What did he declare about the third estate?
That anything they agreed was void.
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What did he say about all of the estates?
That they should meet in separate assemblies
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Who then joined the third estate? Give numbers.
151 clergy, 47 nobles
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What happened in response?
Demonstrations in Paris
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How did Louis respond to this?
He surrounded the city with 30,000 troops in fear
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What rumours did this spark?
He was going to disperse the assembly with force.
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What time especially were the Parisian people highly charged?
July 1789
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What did continuing rise in prices, lack of employment and presence of the army trigger?
The workers to take to the streets
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Where did bands of men and women go to act on orders?
Palais Royale
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What were revolutionary common people of the lower classes called?
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What did they want?
To remove privileges and force change on the king.
41 of 69
What did the king do in response?
Remove Necker (he was popular)
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Who did he replace him with?
A conservative finance minister,Joseph Joley de Fleury
43 of 69
What troops appeared?
44 of 69
What did poorer citizens begin doing?
Arming themselves
45 of 69
What did they attack?
Food stores and prisons
46 of 69
What did the royal guards do?
47 of 69
What did this show?
Louis couldn't rely on them.
48 of 69
Who did this alarm?
Wealthier citizens
49 of 69
What did they set up?
A commune to run the city and a National Guard
50 of 69
Who ran the National Guard?
51 of 69
What were these things' purpose?
To protect them from the poor and the king.
52 of 69
When was the fall of the Bastille?
14th July 1789
53 of 69
How many muskets?
54 of 69
How many canons?
55 of 69
How much ammunition?
56 of 69
Where did they believe they could find some?
Bastille Prison
57 of 69
What was the prison a symbol for?
The Ancien Regime
58 of 69
Who approached?
Crowds and the National Guard
59 of 69
How many of the commune tried to negotiate?
60 of 69
Why did they claim to storm it?
To save prisoners
61 of 69
Why is this unlikely?
There were only 7 prisoners
62 of 69
What did the Royal Troops do?
Watch or join in
63 of 69
What was the Assembly shown to be?
64 of 69
What was it now called?
Constituent Assembly
65 of 69
When did Louis reinstate Necker?
17th July
66 of 69
What was Louis wearing?
Revolutionary cockade
67 of 69
When were orders only obeyed?
After the CA approved it
68 of 69
What did this mean for Louis?
He'd lost power
69 of 69

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What economical crisis happened in 1788?


Bad harvest

Card 3


what did the bad harvest lead to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened with textiles in 1789?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When were the Reveillon Riots?


Preview of the front of card 5
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