The pathways and processes which control the cycling of water and carbon vary over time.

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 27-04-21 11:34
How does the water cycle change diurnally?
Lower temps at night reduce evaporation and transpiration,
Convectional precipitation occurs during the day due to the sun heating up the ground. Most significant in the tropics where there is a lot of convectional storms.
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How does the carbon cycle change diurnally?
During the day, CO2 transfers to plants due to photo synthesis.
At night, the process is reversed due to plants starting to respire again when the light source is removed.
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How does the water cycle change seasonally?
Evapotranspiration is highest in the summer when there is more solar radiation. In some lowland areas in England, 80% of precipitation can be lost to transpiration.
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How does the carbon cycle change seasonally?
During the northern hemisphere summer,
vegetation absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. Loss of 2ppm to biosphere. At the end of summer this is reduced. Growing season leads to more sequestration. Phytoplankton absorb more in the summer.
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How does the water cycle change over long terms?
During glacial periods, eustatic sea levels fall and glaciers expand to cover 1/3 of the land mass. Water stored in vegetation is reduced as glaciers cover habitats. Less transfer from atmosphere to oceans due to less evaporation.
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How does the carbon cycle change over long terms?
Less atmospheric carbon during glacial periods, falling to 180 ppm. Excess carbon finds its way to the deep ocean which will stop photosynthesis. Less vegetation stores as tundra replaces temperate forests. Less carbon returned to atmosphere due to less d
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How is the carbon and water cycles linked in the atmosphere?
CO2 is exchanged to the atmosphere and vegetation through photosynthesis which helps to cycle carbon and water from atmosphere to surface due to things like combustion and respiration.
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How is the carbon and water cycles linked in the ocean?
Increased oceanic CO2 reduces the ocean's ability to absorb CO2 which then leads to more atmospheric carbon. This leads to increased thermal expansion of the ocean which melts more glaciers leading to an increased eustatic sea level.
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How is the carbon and water cycles linked in vegetation and soils?
Rates of photosynthesis, transpiration and decomposition decrease if there is less water. This therefore affects the transfer of CO2 to the atmosphere and back.
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How is the carbon and water cycles linked in the cryosphere?
Increased atmospheric carbon leads to more ice melt. This decreases albedo which increases temperature further. Thawing of permafrost also leads to more CO2 and CH4 being released, further warming the planet.
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How can human activities affect water stores?
Irrigation for farming and livestock massively reduces water stores. Some systems reduce river flow and lower water tables. Over abstraction of aquifers can lead to salt water intrusion. Urbanisation interrupts the water cycle due to less interception etc
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What is one example of human impacts on the surface flows of water?
40mil people depend on the Colorado River. 80% of the water is used for agriculture. Dams provide power for 780,000 homes. The All American canal diverts water. Salton Sea was made accidentally but is drying due to increased efficiency.
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What is one example of human impacts on the groundwater stores of water?
The Ogallala Aquifer has 90% of its water took for agriculture. Dropped an average of 14 feet in 1996. It takes 1 year to refill by 1 inch so overuse is a big issue.
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What is an example of human impacts on carbon stores?
The Athabasca Tar Sands is 3rd largest store of bitumen. 170 billion barrels. 11% of global oil reserve. 450,000 jobs Removed 470km of forest. Produces 3x as much emissions to get the oil than normal oil. Adds 0.4 degrees.
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What is the impact of climate change on the water cycle long term?
More evaporation, enhanced greenhouse effects, More water vapour in atmosphere leads to more precipitation, Higher runoff to streams and rivers, more flood risk. Increased energy in the atmosphere leads to more storms.
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What is the impact of climate change on the carbon cycle long term?
More decomposition due to higher temps, more carbon accumulation in plants. Disrupted rainfall reduces plant's carbon uptake. Boreal forests will expand which increase carbon store. Peat and permafrost could all release carbon.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does the carbon cycle change diurnally?


During the day, CO2 transfers to plants due to photo synthesis.
At night, the process is reversed due to plants starting to respire again when the light source is removed.

Card 3


How does the water cycle change seasonally?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does the carbon cycle change seasonally?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does the water cycle change over long terms?


Preview of the front of card 5
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