the multi-store model of memory

  • Created by: IvyVega
  • Created on: 03-06-18 11:49
separate memory stores
the MSM describes how information flows through the memory system. memory is made of three stores linked by processing
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sensory register
stimulus from the environment passes into the SR along with lots of other sights, sounds, etc. duration- half a second, capacity- high, coding- depends on the sense.
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transfer from SR to STM
little of what goes into the SR passes further into the memory system- needs attention to be paid to it.
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short term memory
STM is a limited capacity and duration store. duration- 18 to 30 seconds, unless rehearsed. capacity- 5 to 9 items. coding- acoustic.
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transfer from STM to LTM
maintenance rehearsal occurs when we repeat material to ourselves. we can keep information in STM as long as we rehearse it. if we rehearse it long enough, it passes into LTM
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long term memory
a permanent memory store. recall materials stored in LTM to be transferred back to STM, retrieval. duration- lifetime, capacity- unlimited. coding- terms of meaning.
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limitation 1- oversimplifies LTM
LTM is not a unitary store. more than one store for memories, facts about the world, skills.
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limitation 2- artificial materials
researchers often asked participants to recall digits. peterson and peterson even used consonant syllables which have no meaning. lacks external validity- memory works with meaningless material in lab testing, does not reflect how memory mainly works
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Card 2


stimulus from the environment passes into the SR along with lots of other sights, sounds, etc. duration- half a second, capacity- high, coding- depends on the sense.


sensory register

Card 3


little of what goes into the SR passes further into the memory system- needs attention to be paid to it.


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Card 4


STM is a limited capacity and duration store. duration- 18 to 30 seconds, unless rehearsed. capacity- 5 to 9 items. coding- acoustic.


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Card 5


maintenance rehearsal occurs when we repeat material to ourselves. we can keep information in STM as long as we rehearse it. if we rehearse it long enough, it passes into LTM


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