The Legislative Process

A statement of Government intent inviting discussion, comment and criticism from parties.
Green Paper
1 of 10
Contains Government proposals.
White Paper
2 of 10
Written by specialist barristers. Uses specialist language to be used by the courts.
3 of 10
The formal presentation of a Bill to Parliament (usually the House of Commons)
First Reading
4 of 10
Usually 2 weeks after the first reading. There is a debate and a vote (Division)
Second Reading
5 of 10
A small committee of between 16-50 MP's meet to discuss the Bill in detail. Changes / amendments may be made.
Committee Stage
6 of 10
Final debate in the Commons followed by a final vote.
Report Stage / Third Reading
7 of 10
The whole process is repeated in the House of Lords where they can block the Bill for up to a year. The Parliament Acts 1911 & 1949 rule that the Commons has the final say.
House of Lords
8 of 10
The Queen or someone on her behalf must sign the Bill - it then becomes an Act of Parliament.
Royal Assent
9 of 10
All Acts are published through Her Majesty's Stationary Office.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Contains Government proposals.


White Paper

Card 3


Written by specialist barristers. Uses specialist language to be used by the courts.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The formal presentation of a Bill to Parliament (usually the House of Commons)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Usually 2 weeks after the first reading. There is a debate and a vote (Division)


Preview of the front of card 5
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